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Intuos 3d + ZbrushCore

polycounter lvl 5
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Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
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Intuos 3D


Wacom has a new tablet coming out designed for 3d and it apparently comes with some kind of streamlined version of Zbrush. Wonder what the limitations are? Could be quite interesting for those of us not willing to drop $700.


  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Hopeful about this! Could open up zbrush a lot to people who aren't willing to make the investment.

    I'm just not sure how they choose the 3D art they showcase on packages and things, though...

  • Zack Maxwell
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    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    Fuiosg said:
    What is dissss


    Wacom has a new tablet coming out designed for 3d and it apparently comes with some kind of streamlined version of Zbrush. Wonder what the limitations are? Could be quite interesting for those of us not willing to drop $700.
    Sounds like just a regular bamboo bundled with a reduced ZBrush and some tutorial videos.
  • noodlemantra
    I hate the idea of multiple versions of the same app. It almost always leads to headaches for the developers. Just ask Adobe, ADSK, Microsoft, MAXON, and so on. It's nice that they're trying to court more hobbyists and newbies, but I think that it's a misguided effort. They might have been better served by streamlining the ZBrush that was already there. Maybe they have and are on the verge of showing us. I doubt it, but you never know.

    All I care is that this ZBCore thing isn't a prelude to restructuring so that the higher end version becomes a subscription only deal. That'd suck. I'm not sure that I'd be down for yet another subscription only app.
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character

    that sounds like no ZB5 reveal at next pixo event to me. rather, efforts being put into a cut down version for more mass-market appeal.

  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    I'd love to see a ZBrush bundle personally. I just hope it doesn't end up like Photoshop Elements because that program is a heap of shit.

  • ryebot
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    ryebot polycounter lvl 5
    The high-price point is definitely a barrier to entry for a lot of artists and students, and with a lot of other 3D apps creating stripped down versions or different models for that market, I'm not surprised to see the same from Pixologic. Wonder what kind of limitations they'll impose.

    They could still have new stuff for the main branch, probably just waiting for ZBrush Summit to announce the big stuff. Announcing this at the summit wouldn't make much sense, it's not really for that crowd. I think that's why they did it now. Good on them for getting the program in more hands though.

    If they really want Mass-Market appeal they could do with updating that interface though : )
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    wonder if it's any coincidence this is coming near the presumed release of Zbrush 5, maybe that's just such a milestone improvement that they're willing to release a compromised zbrush 4 to get hobbyists/3d printers into it.
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I'm still holding out hope that ZBrush 5 is announced at the Summit event, and there being a ZBrush Core hints that there will be a ZBrush Pro or whatever.

    I also hope it isn't some BS cloud version either. They kind of limited their revenue by giving free updates since 3.1 in 2007 (and possibly prior I don't know) and have slowly increased the price over the years. So I see them actually charging for major upgrades now, hopefully they drop the package price a bit and/or have discounts for current ZBrush owners.
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