Hey Guys I found this cool redesign concept of Undine and thought I'd model it for kicks. If anyone has any feedback on my progress so far I'd really appreciate it. I feel I'm going in the right direction but some stuff feels wonky.
The concept can be found here:

Final Sculpt:


Other than that you could push some forms more, mainly the forearms, the lower legs and a little bit her butt.
Overall like the direction this is going, keep at it!
The concept is slimmer and the shoulder pads should be slightly larger.
the metal parts of the gauntlets need to be inflated a bit so that they fall over the hand.
The torso plate seems perfectly fine, that part is good to go for detail work.
Exaggerate a bit the metal on the grieves, they seem too evenly distributed whereas the concept goes from big to small.
That's all I can see for now that needs immediate improving along with everything else your already working on.
Can't wait to see an update.
AgelosAp Glad you like the face but I think I needed to pull the sharpness back in there. The arms and legs definitely needed refinement so I've worked on those.
cybuster You make very good points. I did stray a bit off the proportion a bit. I slimed her up a little but I don't know what to do about the shoulder pads. As it stands, any bigger and they won't attach to her shoulder. I'm hoping to avoid floating armor. Definitely agreed about the grieves and have modified the size variation.
Lastly I also posed and colored the face to see if it's close to the concept
this is Turing out great, you managed to capture the concept really well, this might be nitpicking but I think the neck could be a tad longer and the head slightly larger.
I also added more details and rebuild the scale-mail it was pretty messy before.
Here's some work on the spear too.
@lotet The old ones were actually micro. Now it's just a pattern I applied as a mask and extruded. I was having trouble with the overlapping of the scales before. With it being a pattern they all overlapped as I wanted. I also placed a few loose ones at the bottom by hand to hide the fact that they were just extruded. :pleased:
@ryebot I think I have that recorded. If I do I'll put up a viddeo when it's all done
And here's an update. Lowpoly is made and texturing has begun. Next step is hair, then the spear and a final pass over everything.
Well here is the result. It is done. I also made a little comic based off a cutscene from the game for fun. Hope you all like it.
In case you are still open to making some small changes though, I would definitely recommend darkening the sky on the first batch of presentation shots and the comic. Her metal armor tends to get lost against the grey background. Something darker as in the Sketchfab model and maybe even some glow as in the concept would help her stand out better I think.