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3D Portfolio review/opinions

polycounter lvl 5
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Lapaga polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone!

I'm an aspiring 3D artist and game designer. I've been working on 3D art (personal projects) for a little over a year now and I've graduated from college six months ago. Right now I'm kinda lost about how well I'm doing my craft, so I would really like your opinion on my portfolio and tell me what you think about it. Here's the link: https://www.artstation.com/artist/lapaga

Thank you very much! ^^


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Hey Francisco, the read I get from your portfolio at a glance is that it's trying to do a lot without doing any one thing really well.  Characters AND Environments AND Vehicles that don't really reveal your strength.

    I want to talk about your Space Break scene specifically.
    You have what seems to be a fairly realistic sci-fi environment in objective, but the whole execution of it gets hurt with barrels that are stark clean white, a character model that looks muddy (bad normal maps, etc), some textures that look purely flat and handpainted, and admittedly a boring looking scifi hallway.

    Overall, I would have preferred if you focused on making specific assets well, instead of trying to do many evironments at once.

    "Grid" I do not really understand what you're showing off to me in that scene.

    I would recommend really buckling down and getting one prop, asset, character, etc. done really well instead of building scenes so quickly.  The quality of work, while it shows you're clearlt comfortable in 3D packages, isn't quire production quality yet in games that I see, including indie games.

    I'd also make sure you're more consistent about your breakdowns.  Some scenes lack it, some have some, some have very strange shots of the asset in isolation or are missing texture breakdowns.

    Keep pushing, but I recommend hunkering down and polishing one specific asset really well before jumping into another full scene.
  • Lapaga
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    Lapaga polycounter lvl 5
    Hey there! 

    You're totally right, I've just been doing anything that comes to mind without having a clear focus of what I like to/should do, since I still don't really know what that is.

    I'll try to focus more on making smaller and more polished assets and try show a better breakdown of my work.

    Thanks a lot for your input!.

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