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Career Change Help

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shirls null
Hello Polycount community,

I'm currently working on making a career change from media advertising to the world of animation, and was hoping to get some guidance as to what role would best fit me. I don't feel like I can continue working in an industry I care nothing about, especially when I already have a passion for something else. I've always loved making art, but am not 100% sure what it is I am looking to jump into and am hoping you can help me on my journey.

From what I've researched, I've read about roles as a 3D Modeler, Flash Animator, Compositioning Artist, Storyboarder, Texture Artist, and Concept Artist. Of the above, I feel like I'd most enjoy and be able to excel as a 3D Modeler or Texture Artist (after watching a few Lynda tutorials to get an idea of what the work might like in their different programs). I particularly like creating people/things vs. landscapes, and feel like I've worked on detailed textures already when I draw. But then again I suppose everyone has.. I have a few of my drawings on http://surelyasunnyday.squarespace.com/

A friend of mine also mentioned I might be interested in Concept Art, but I said I don't think I am good enough of an artist to be successful as a Concept Artist. He let me know that it was more about the ability to visualize and create a ton of different ideas. Still not sure if that is me.

If anyone currently works in these roles, it would mean the world to me to get some insight as to what you believe you excel at and how it led you to your current position. Any advice on how I could find what I'd be best suited for would be so very appreciated!!

Thank you regardless.  <3


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I'll speak as a Character Artist, what I've done in the last 7 months:

    Model and texture Environment Art assets
    Rig and Animate environment art assets
    Script in Unreal 4 Blueprint animations, triggers, effects, and audio. (Think programming-lite)
    Concept out greyscale concept art for new assets.
    Write out an assets list from the designers.
    Help drill and screw things into the wall.
    Do studio presentations.

    Those are my particular responsibilities at InXile atm.
  • samnwck
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    samnwck polycounter lvl 9
    So the thing that seems like it most aligns with your current skillset would likely be concept artist as that's the most common 2-D job in the industry... However concept art jobs are often few and far between. 

    3D modeling is something that comprises a wide variety of different skillsets in the industry usually with disciplines in either character or environment art, environment art usually also encompasses prop artists and lighting artists and whole bunch of stuff though sometimes there are positions for specifically those. Generally game art doesn't have dedicated texture artists as far as I've seen. Usually jobs that are only texturing are found in the film industry, while in the games industry most modelers will also be the ones to texture their own models.

    With that being said, judging from your portfolio you have a very solid art background and good eye for quality. So I'd say you pick up a tutorial that interests you and go from there and that should help you narrow down where your interests lie!

  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    shirls said:
    Hello Polycount community,

    If anyone currently works in these roles, it would mean the world to me to get some insight as to what you believe you excel at and how it led you to your current position. Any advice on how I could find what I'd be best suited for would be so very appreciated!!

    Thank you regardless.  <3
    Coupla classic threads. Fair warning: reading them might discourage you or inspire you.  And these are older threads so posters now might have updated versions of their personal narratives:


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