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Answered: another little problem with texture

polycounter lvl 14
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NAIMA polycounter lvl 14

I find out that this texture has this small issue after generation , what can it be due to ? this time I used the right models and so is not an issue of the model  / uvmap , I checked the AO and is fine as well as the ID color map wich are the only input maps I used, the rest is generated in DDO .


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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    And those are images of the uvmap and how appears when I apply a material .



  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey NAIMA!

    The issue you're experiencing is something related to your UV layout, normal map, AO, or due to some problem in your mesh itself. This is not something related to DDO. It will only work with what it is given, and you can see that there's masking being generated around the problem area which would suggest trouble with your input maps. Try cleaning up your maps before importing into DDO. :)

    I'm going to need for you to start consolidating your threads into a single master thread. You currently have nine threads in our subforum. Please use one thread at maximum unless a significant issue requires making another thread. This will help us keep the subforum easily readable for all users and will also make it easier for people to find solutions to their problems from Google searches. Thank you!
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    ok thankyou , but , what can it be the issue ? I checked the model andthe uvmap and are all fine , clean and straight also similar parts of the model have not that issue .
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Check your baked textures as well in the problem area.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I only baked the AO and its clean , the other is a color id map :( .
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It could be your color ID. At any rate, this is certainly an issue on your end - you'll need to investigate the model and determine if there's any error in the mesh, the baked textures, or the UV layout.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I have checked and redone the model redone the uv and then reexported and rebaked, ( it took me 5 hours to do ) now the gray thing is not there, but I have gray things all over around the edges , they are small and not big but still present .
    I think the problem might be in the autogenerated maps , in particular the curvature ,

    this is my new uv and the model , wichpresents no problems.


    thats how appears inside the 3do render bare without textures


    this is one of the baked maps in DDO wich presents some artefacts dunno from where .


    here another map


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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Looks like in the curvature there are some black drops on edges here andthere , they roughly correspond to the problematic areas despite not beeing perfectly aligned on them .
    may be I can sendyou the model to see closer what can it be wrong when generating the textures?
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Those are the settings I use to bake the color map out of 3dsmax

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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    I have tried all possible solutions I could think of even changing types of ID maps from tga to pnd , alpha non alpha and so on , but nothing works, the artefacts are always still there , I even trie dto subdivide even more the model and nothing changed. what is wrong and how can I do to fix ? This bug is stopping my work :( .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Yet another thing I noticed, I can't find trace of those artefacts in the texture maps, none in albedo , specular or glossiness neither in normal that I can see, but its visible in the PBR shading ... -_- ...

    Anyway I sent you a message with files, I really hope you could help me fix the problem :( .
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    further tested with a ao map generated inside max and nothing changed, the black spots in the same positions. though the black spots on the curvature  seems not to be the same or related to the gray stripes .
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I unfortunately will not have the time to test a project this complex - the most I can say here is that you'll want to check in with Technical Talk to see if there's something you might be overlooking.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    In quixel ? There is a technicaltalk ? I thought it was the place to ask for bugs , I will try with support.
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    It is indeed the place to ask for support with bugs - this however is not a bug. It is most certainly an issue with your project's input maps, an issue with your mesh, or with your UV layout, or a combination of the aforementioned. I would love to assist you further but this is a significantly complex project and I have many other support requests to attend to. As this is an issue dealing with input maps, UVs, meshes and the like, Technical Talk would be a more suitable forum to assist you.

    Please don't hesitate to let us know if there's any bugs in the software that we can fix for you!
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    Here is the prove that apparentlyQuixel has a limitation on the high poly model texturing when edgeloops are close .

    This is the same model , the first has dense edgeloop ( despite not so dense in high poly terms its like 4 lines near vs 1 in the following model )


    Here is the model with reduced edge loops in the model

    btw the model is not exactly the same but regardless is the symmetrical counterpart in the mesh so its the same one just mirrored .
    I have only reduced around the small squared thing on the top , in general as you can see the gray seams are reduced ...

    Now I am wondering , since the uvmap are clean in those positions, is DDO not able to render well narrow lines or is the UV that is too big for DDo to handle when it has too many little details in size relating to those edges?

    Or perhaps there is some special setting that may be makes increment the resolution level of the baked maps to avoid those artefacts or else?

    btw mine is not a criticism is a request for help and I am loving the program that I think its fantastic , but I am not able to adapt to the high poly in this case.

    Opinions ?

  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    I'll pass this on to our SUITE programmer - if you'd like, you can send a link to download the project files with a description of this issue to sameer@quixel.se

    Sorry about the trouble.
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    NAIMA polycounter lvl 14
    YEs I have already contacted the support, I hae done other tests and its definetly a renderer issue , not sure if I have made perhaps a cporrupt update or may be other problems or may be I amusing a too big model , anyway I have uploaded all files both here , toyou and to the support will hope for an answer, on the other side I could split the problems one thing is the gray stripes , another is the black dots onthe curvature generated, that seems to be actually broken from what i also have read around looks like is a ddo issue, I am yet experimenting generating curvature in other ways but uploading one that was simplier did hold no problems in the texturing then with ddo .
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