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[HELP] Need help deciding my professional future!

polycounter lvl 8
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SimãoSilva polycounter lvl 8
Hello, first of all I'm very sorry if this forum is not the appropriate one to create this topic on, I'm still very new to forums!
I'm a 18 year old teenager fresh out of high school and i have almost no idea what to do now, i want to be a 3d artist, mostly for games but i would do 3d modeling and texturing for anything, i studied audiovisuals ( sorry English is not my firs language and don´t know what it would be called in English) in high school, most of it was photography, and film, i had wanted to study 3d but that course didn´t exist in my school until i was in year 2, but when  i knew about it i said to myself that i would study 3d in my free time and i did it, in my summer break and on eater and Christmas i would stay home and model whatever i could, and once a teacher in my school that taught 3d gave me classes in the summer, i even had an internship in a 3d / vfx / architecture company and my final project ( which I'll be posting in here in a few days ) was done with 3d !
Sorry for all the story ;-;
now I'll go straigth tot he point!
I am almost out of high school now and i don't know what to do, my father ( i know all he wants is the best for me) wants me to go to collage but i live in a very backwards country when it comes to 3D and there is only 1 good collage where i could learn 3D but its way to expensive, and he says that if i do not study i'll work for him, and i have even got a invite to work in the studio were i had my internship but the problem is that it would consume my whole time and i wouldn't have time to study thing in my spare time, i need to study sculpting in z brush and practice more modeling but in there i wouldn't be able to. and now I'm really divided, i don't know what to do if i should go to college and if i do what should i study ! or if i should work in the company i internship-ed, or even if i shouldn't do any of these and just study by myself for a year or something, i just don't know really and really wanted to ask you guys that have worked in the business for years and even the new guys like me what they would do !
Please help me !
Thank you very much for your time ! ^^ 


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