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BLASTO Hand painted stuffs!

Hey everyone! I'm pretty new here. Here are some of my newest 3d stuff, hope you enjoy!


  • blasto0341
  • blasto0341
  • blasto0341
    This is still a wip, just finished the skin texture tonight. Needs a bit of touch up then going to model out some shoulder pads and nose rings, ear rings, and a pony tail =)
  • mwgrafx
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    mwgrafx polycounter lvl 18
    Fantastic work, no crit from me. They read really well.
  • blasto0341
  • Leinadien
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    Leinadien vertex
    That is so cool, I think more people should drop the normal and spec maps when they're designing cartoony looking characters.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    very nice consistent style. do you have a workflow you follow when painting? eg do ao paint first then block in colour values then top down lighting pass?
  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    your texturing is really great, nice work! I think you could practice topology a bit more, your two character heads don't have the topology loops around the mouth that are good practice if the intended outcome is a head that will be animated.
  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    Really cool painting work!

    On your orc, is the lower lip geometry fused with the gums, though? That would not animate well. You would want the gums to stay solid and only move with the jawbone, and you would want the lips to be very pliable by contrast. The lips should be able to pull back to reveal more of the teeth and gums, or slide over the teeth to close his mouth, purse his lips etc.

    The intersecting geometry of the lower teeth and gums looks a bit jarring as well. I would consider building them as one continuous mesh, or alternatively, you could use more sides on the teeth.

    Anyway, I hope to see more of your work! Maybe a full body version of your busts? :pleased:
  • Cremuss
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    Cremuss polycounter lvl 12
    welcome on polycount :)
    the orc looks really great! nice painting skills. Only crit for me is the upper lip cracks reading like a bit like rock maybe ? Otherwise I'd say the crits above about the topology are valid but I guess it's not crucial since I suppose it was only made for painting purposes.

    the goblin looks super cool as well :)

    I'm not a fan of the weapons though. I mean they are cool and nicely painted but I don't like the constant super hard/bright edging going on here (less noticeable on the axe though).

    Keep it up, nice stuff !
  • blasto0341
    Thanks for the feedback guys!

    For the goblin, it was a very quick topology to do some practice texturing. I think for a low res in game model the orc is fine, worse case scenario I can go in and add some edge loops around the lower lip. But I was happy with the topology and poly count =) I should have stated that the orc is a low res model in the original post, not intended for very detailed facial animation. I found an image of orc facial topology in wow and I used that as my ref. As far as I can tell it looks like they used interpenetrating geo for the teeth or am I seeing that wrong?

  • Wendy de Boer
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    Wendy de Boer interpolator
    With the ingame orc models, the teeth/gums are definitely a separate mesh component from the lips, as they should be. This allows the lips to move over the teeth freely, while the rows of teeth can stay rigid. I wouldn't necessarily call the meshes intersecting though, because the intersection is neatly hidden behind the lips. You can see the big tusks clip into the lower lip a little bit on the outside edge, which is somewhat irksome, but still acceptable for such a lowpoly model. That said, they could have easily fixed that by making the big tusks 6-sided, at least at the base. That would only have cost them 4 extra triangles; a negligible amount, especially these days. The ingame model does actually have very good facial animation, especially considering how lowpoly it is.

    On your model, the lower lip is pulled back to reveal the gums, and the teeth noticeably intersect with the gums. I think this doesn't work quite as well as the ingame model. Your model also seems to be a little denser overall, so I think you can get away with the extra geometry to make it look nicer.

    However, the bigger problem is that you built the gums into the lip as a continuous mesh piece. This means that when you start animating the lips, the gums will deform along with it.  This is incorrect, as the lower teeth are firmly embedded into the jawbone; a solid piece that doesn't bend at all. A better way to do it would be to build the teeth and gums basically like a set of dentures, which you can place as a separate mesh into the mouth cavity. That really doesn't have to cost a lot of triangles, but it will provide you with a good solution for facial animation, even at this lower resolution.

    I hope that helps! I really do like how he looks a lot, and I'm looking forward to see him finished. :)
  • blasto0341
    Finished the orc bust!
    Here's a link to the sketchfab thing ma bob =)


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