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first job - thank you polycount !

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another caveman greentooth
Hey oy!
Today I got my first job and I wanted to let you know, and thank you all!!!

I moved to Montreal last August and found some internship in a little studio, and worked there for like six months without paycheck (free metro but thats it..) one week out of two. - so I could go to school the other one week.

It was pain in the ass some days to wake up and go to the office, but a good way for me to get motivation and be productive. I couldn't just stay home sitting there and working from times to times.

Any way. Thank you polycount users even those I don't know (I actually don't know much aha),!!!!!!!!!!!

There's one big guy that helped me a lot and his name is Ben Bolton - @Amsterdam Hilton Hotel 
I made hell of a big steps getting answers from you, understanding new workflows and just even watching your work.

Also, Hans Palmer - @Millenia so listen you might not even remember this, but I do. I was going through your website like four years ago, after I gave a try to your cool remington shotgun tutorial. So I found your skype and added you, we had a talk and you gave me several tips n stuff about the jobs and 3d.

okay now this is it, just one more freak thanking the big guys ahah
this means a lot to me

thank you,



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