But Despite I followed at the letter I can't get it working ... may be there is something wrong ? Can you help me get how to rig and how to make it work ?
The Cause: The parent object was un-uniformly scaled ( the
x,y,and or z axis was not scaled uniformly ) and the children have
inherited the scalar data, which distorts when they are re-positioned /
Solution: Before beginning, be sure to un-link all geometry. In the
'Hierarchy' Tab ( Third tab over, "big box connected to three little
boxes" icon ) In the 'Adjust Transform' window under
'Move/Rotate/Scale:' You'll see the 'Don't Affect Children' command
button. Select the offending parent geometry and then click this button.
It should be dark grey indicating that this function is enabled. Now,
in the 'Reset:' window click the 'Transform' and 'Scale' buttons. Now
click the 'Don't Affect Children' button again to disable this function.
The children will no longer inherit scale data from the parent, and
will no longer distort when moved. Now re-link all your geometry and
begin animating.
resetting didn't work , the only solution was to create a cube , attach everything to it and then redetach each piece ... I am wondering if I didn't create something too complex to be rigged ....
Ok I solved by linking theactual joints not to the attached platform but to the one above or under .
Now its working as intended, but I have no idea how to actually connect in a fluid manner, I tried all sort of IK controller options but they always block my rotations or other stuff, the idea is that this thing shoudl now fold up and hide inside an aircraft belly and when landing come out and have also a suspension effect on the main big lower piston ... Can you help me understand how to do it ?
The flipping could be from gimbal lock. You can set the rotation to gimbal to help with this. For basic mech animation like this you don't need a rig, simple parent linking will do.
I did fix as per above but I was looking for a more " constrained " animation , Without having to animate everytime manually simulating the constrains , do you have any sugestions or tut on how to ? Also I need to reduce that scene and import to the spaceship and duplicate the animated gear for the three landing pads ... I fear I cant just clone amd place? Sorry I am new also to eigging .
The tutorial you linked has everything you need:fk/ik/auto-pistons. If it didn't work the first time then start again at the very start and keep at it until it works. I will try and view your file if I get the time.
Ok I am uploadig a reduced problem ,Whenever I move no matter what I do the pistons shift rotate andI am not getting why!
They are constrained at each other pins with a look at , their setup is correct but no matter what wheneverI move or roate along X they shift ...
I have spent the last hours trying all solutions from resetting xforms, to hieracrhy exploration of former links , to the final all solving attach to a box resettingall ,but nothing worked, they always keep that absurd motion !
please can anyone check this simple file and see what's theproblem ?
Also does someone knows how I shoudl or could organize several animations in the scene so to animate the landing gear only when I want and not all time ? For example if I want to make the ship fly around or do other stuff other than landing?
Also How can I do to add a suspension movement? I added the pistons and all the necessary , but I don't know how to do so that when the spaceship lands the pistons compress briefly down and then push again up the ship , just like a suspension would .
You can bake your anims with a point cache modifier and save/load. Or you could 'direct' the different animations as shots in multiple files and edit them as a final anim in Pro sequencer or After Effects or whatever.
For the suspension you would use the same look-at constraint setup as the pistons.
You could also wire the parameters through an attribute holder modifier for more control.
I would also advise using CatRig instead of the pretty old IK solvers that ship with Max. CatRig is a hybrid FK/IK system and also has a layers features that would work well for turning on/off different anims like your landing gear.
I noticed that I can clone a bunch of animated objects and they retain their animations, but not the look at constrains, that seem to be pointing still to the old reference items, since I have too many look at setup objects, licate the landing gears to that they work fine also with the proper look at instead than them looking at older ones and having to redo them all?
The Cause: The parent object was un-uniformly scaled ( the x,y,and or z axis was not scaled uniformly ) and the children have inherited the scalar data, which distorts when they are re-positioned / animated.
Solution: Before beginning, be sure to un-link all geometry. In the 'Hierarchy' Tab ( Third tab over, "big box connected to three little boxes" icon ) In the 'Adjust Transform' window under 'Move/Rotate/Scale:' You'll see the 'Don't Affect Children' command button. Select the offending parent geometry and then click this button. It should be dark grey indicating that this function is enabled. Now, in the 'Reset:' window click the 'Transform' and 'Scale' buttons. Now click the 'Don't Affect Children' button again to disable this function. The children will no longer inherit scale data from the parent, and will no longer distort when moved. Now re-link all your geometry and begin animating.
Now its working as intended, but I have no idea how to actually connect in a fluid manner, I tried all sort of IK controller options but they always block my rotations or other stuff, the idea is that this thing shoudl now fold up and hide inside an aircraft belly and when landing come out and have also a suspension effect on the main big lower piston ... Can you help me understand how to do it ?
Here is the working file ...
Thanks for any help .
Also, merging the assets to a fresh scene failed.
They are constrained at each other pins with a look at , their setup is correct but no matter what wheneverI move or roate along X they shift ...
I have spent the last hours trying all solutions from resetting xforms, to hieracrhy exploration of former links , to the final all solving attach to a box resettingall ,but nothing worked, they always keep that absurd motion !
please can anyone check this simple file and see what's theproblem ?
In meanwhile I did a small video of the animation
Also does someone knows how I shoudl or could organize several animations in the scene so to animate the landing gear only when I want and not all time ? For example if I want to make the ship fly around or do other stuff other than landing?
For the suspension you would use the same look-at constraint setup as the pistons.
You could also wire the parameters through an attribute holder modifier for more control.