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Answered: Questions And Concerns Pertaining To Quixel Suite 2

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Hypocrita vertex
Hey everyone, hope all is going well for you!

I am absolutely in love with Quixel Suite, not even going to lie. It puts my years of manual texture work to shame.
However there are a few... Hiccups, things that are making me hesitant to go beyond a trial.

The big ones are the computer-stopping incidents, most of which aren't repeatable. The one that can be repeated concerns creating a new material. Basically as soon as I'm done importing my maps and hit "create material," my computer just stops working after a few seconds, and the only way to get it back up and running is a hard restart (hitting the power button.)
Some minor issues are related to 3Do alone, mainly just slow performance, which I feel is understandable considering the nature of 3Do and the state of my computer.

As far as system specifications go, they are as follows.
OS: Windows 10 Home 64 bit.
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon R7 360 with what looks to be 2 GB of video memory
Processor: AMD FX 6300 6-Core
Software: Photoshop CC 2015

Now, to the questions.
I really only have one, I suppose, and it concerns NDo. Specifically, how do you make a diffuse map to go along with your normal map? I see no options for that, but what I've seen online says that there is a way to do it. Perhaps the documentation I've read is for an old version?

I suppose that's everything for now, so if any other details are needed, do let me know!

Thanks, and take care!


  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Hypocrita!

    >I am absolutely in love with Quixel Suite, not even going to lie.

    Fun fact: This is why I work for Quixel. :)

    Regarding your freeze-up trouble, are you by any chance using integrated graphics instead of your video card? Also, if you *aren't*, make sure that you're using the latest drivers for your ATI card. If the problem persists afterward, knowing how large the project is would help.

    Are you using more than one mesh group in this project of yours? When I say mesh group, I'm referring to objects within the exported model file. What texture resolution are you working with? Etc.

    You can use NDO's map converter feature (NDO menu -> Convert Maps -> Normal to Diffuse) to create a very basic diffuse map.
  • Hypocrita
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    Hypocrita vertex
    Hey Synaesthesia, thanks for the reply!

    You know, that's a valid point. I remember that being an issue a while back with something else, actually. That's something I'll definitely look into, and I'll let you know what I find out. =-)

    As far as the project itself is concerned, I am using multiple mesh groups, a total of 11. To be honest, mesh groups are the only import I've achieved thus far. Would it be a bit better if I reduce the number of mesh groups to, say, 4 or less? I really don't know what the more performance-friendly option is, unfortunately.
    Concerning resolution of the textures, I've got it down to 2048, and a texel density of 2048 (although I swear I set that to 512 earlier...)

    The reason I ask about the diffuse within NDo is I've been having a really hard time getting curvature masking to work (as in what I've seen in tutorials where there are crevices and such within a part of the model, and the tutor brought them out a bit, deepening them, etc.) I was hoping maybe having a diffuse would help with that. So far I just get odd smudges in the mask, which is less than ideal.

    As you can tell, I'm all very new to this, having just discovered Quixel a few days ago. But you have to start somewhere, I suppose. =-)

    Thanks again for the response!
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter

    There's your problem.

    Multiply 11 by 4 = 44. You're loading 44 textures into Photoshop, and that isn't even counting the load placed on 3DO. At 2k, that's way more RAM-intensive than your 8GB system can handle.

    You only need more than one mesh group if you're using more than one UV set. Combine everything that belongs on one set of UVs and you'll run into a lot less trouble.
  • Hypocrita
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    Hypocrita vertex
    Ah, I see!
    So in my particular case where I'm working on a game model, I should only need one mesh group?
    Makes sense. =-)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    If everything in the model fits into 0-1 UV space, it should be one object. :)
  • Hypocrita
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    Hypocrita vertex
    I don't see a way to edit my previous comment, so hopefully this is acceptable behavior within these forums.

    I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your time and the input your provided. It definitely helped out knowing what I was doing wrong. It looks like I'm back up and running with a much more responsive setup now. =-)
  • Synaesthesia
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    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey, thanks!

    I just want to make sure you're as happy with the software as I am. If there's anything else I can do to assist going forward, please don't hesitate to reach out.
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