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Said it was the worst work he had ever seen, was he right?

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The texture is a first pass with no detail, also there is no HP and the poly limit was 20K so i upped with turbo smooth and tweaks. I quite like it but I hope its obviously got a tonne wrong or to be improved but the worst work ever?

Also go ahead and criticise.


  • kohg
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    kohg polycounter lvl 9
    Who said was what and why? a client?
  • jdm222
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    that's it, ive asked why, no reply, and yes a client for £20
  • jdm222
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    This was my given refrence.
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    I do not know what it is for but it is quite flat and could use some fold sculpting. It is also needlessly highly tessellated - just because you can does not mean you should add more geometry that contributes to essentially nada. However, for £20 this is pretty much the finished quality that person paid for. Don't undersell yourself.
  • Doxturtle
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    Doxturtle polycounter lvl 8
    Like others have said, if you wanted to improve this further you could sculpt some folds and creases into the fabric to make it look more believable.

    One thing you could also work on is making better use of your UV space, there is a lot of empty space at the moment. 
  • Dan Powell
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    Dan Powell polycounter lvl 5
    For £20 it's a good effort?: On a lower wage that's maybe 3-4 hours work, but obviously this will depend slightly on country (even though I believe everyone is entitled to the same no matter their country)

    If you're hitting for improvements then you could do with some buttons for the shirt, and shoes; as well as some folding in the clothing. You'll also want to rearrange your polygon spending - the shirt, skirt, and tie, seem a lot denser than the shoes. UV's could probably be packed tighter as well

    But it's certainly not the worst I've ever seen - and if it's the worst your client's ever seen then he's been pampered insofar as digital art goes! :pensive:
  • Catzcratch
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    Catzcratch polycounter lvl 6
    What's it for ? a game , an offline render for a clothing store ?
    I just have general advice . Dont be angry about it . I can see that it would be harsh when someone says that about your work but try to be open minded
    and dont forget that as much as it is your work it is also his investment
    Secondly i fault you for not making it clear from the start . Just as you agree on a price from the start you also should agree on the deliverable .

    I would also like to point out that  you can make a very awesome detailed work look horrible or vise versa with your presentation .
    Those screen grabs look fine for us because we are used to seeing them . but they dont look fine to others , specially clients .

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    So, why not sculpt this and add more fine details ?  
    Will there also be a human body in this ? Or just the clothing. Also, that's quite fine for £20 IMO.

  • jdm222
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    The story was it's for a game, and he put a deadline on it, that was very close to the start of the project and this was my first piece of clothing modelled, so he was given obj files etc not these image those were just for you guys, I aprecieate the feedback, and i gave plenty of my time considering that 4 hours minwage is more than £20. I was just conserned that I new nothing, because i thought it wasnt too bad for the price. anyway thank you all for your responses
  • Cremuss
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    Cremuss polycounter lvl 12
    The work itself is a good start. It's not the best but it's definitely not the worst. But don't even bother trying to make a full character with that budget. It clearly shows the guys knows nothing at what he is doing. Don't undersell you or the profession ;)
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Does he a have a render target that he provided?  Would help with determining if you're at the quality he/she asked you to reach with these assets.
  • yukonwanderer
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    yukonwanderer polygon
    For 20£ was he expecting the sky and the world? That is sickeningly cheap. It might not be anything great but it's much better than I could do. Doesn't seem like a client worth trying to retain.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    Looks just fine, especially for how much you're getting paid for it. If it was for personal work, I'd say you could add in more details, like seems and cuffs, and things like that. But for this price, I'd say you've done enough.

    Feels like he's trying to get the work without having to pay you for it.

    "I just looked at the obj and texture files you sent me before demanding any of the payment, and let me just say it sucks, and I won't be paying you" *goes on to keep the model/textures and use it in their project*

    I don't think that's all that uncommon, unfortunately. Not sure it fits all aspects of what you're going through, but I thought I'd mention it.
  • Valandar
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    Valandar polycounter lvl 18
    Just remember, there are thre aspects to the job: Time, Quality, and Price.
    The customer decides two of these, YOU decide the third.
    He wants it cheap and high quality? Sorry, it'll take a long time.
    He wants it fast and cheap? Poor quality.
    He wants it fast and high quality? Expen$ive.
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