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Testimony WIP(Car animation)

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Koivi vertex
I think its about time I started uploading my progress on here. That way I can have a proper record of it all instead of uploading it onto youtube. I only have 5 weeks left to model and texture a whole bunch of cars so hoping to have it all done by then. I then have 2 and a half weeks left to model the environments. Doesn't concern me if there are tris in my mesh but I'll see how I go in the next couple of weeks. I'm just gonna upload a couple of topological highlights of my mesh and then go into detail later.

This is day 5 of my Mclaren. I don't have much time so I'm probably gonna rush it.

Basic Forms of the cars. I still have a bit of a way to go with this but very close to finished

Really happy with how I did the topology here. I also recorded a way to do them. I'll edit and then upload the video later.

I find the spoiler for the vehicle interesting. I kinda faked this hydralic system. Personally I'm happy with how the topo and form came out for one of these pieces.


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