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Cryengine source now on Github


  • low odor
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    low odor polycounter lvl 17
    Great news.

    Somthign in their terms of service seems a bit odd, in section 2.4.    https://www.cryengine.com/ce-terms

    Restriction on:

    • military projects
    • gambling;
    • simulation (technical, scientific, other);
    • science;
    • architecture;
    • pornography;
    • Serious Games.   <--
    Seems a bit confusing..can we only make silly games? Seems like a very broad restriction. 
  • Kridian
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    Kridian polycounter lvl 14
    low odor said:
    Great news.

    Somthign in their terms of service seems a bit odd, in section 2.4.    https://www.cryengine.com/ce-terms

    Restriction on:

    • military projects
    • gambling;
    • simulation (technical, scientific, other);
    • science;
    • architecture;
    • pornography;
    • Serious Games.   <--
    What kind of horseshit is this?
  • Eric Chadwick
    Serious games are a specific use of game technology, usually for education or military software. Look it up.
  • JedTheKrampus
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    JedTheKrampus polycounter lvl 8
    Would something like Cities: Skylines or Kerbal Space Program fall under the "scientific" or "other" categories of simulation? Would something like Dota 2 with its cosmetic items system fall under "gambling"? Would something like Bayonetta be categorized as "pornography"? The license still seems way too restrictive to me without a much, much clearer definition of what is and isn't allowed.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Typically the terms of use defines those terms, can't look now, on my phone.

    Generally serious games are meant for training, simulation, or education. Basically anything that isn't primarily entertainment. Dota, Kerbal, Cities, Bayonetta are primarily entertainment and your typically video game. A military training program, a slot machine game, research program, or straight up porn are the types of exceptions they are probably making.

    But still, UE4 is embracing free and cheap commercial uses for things like architecture and I wish CryEngine would follow that lead. 

    Also it doesn't seem to be full source for the editor yet which makes this not very helpful for artists or designers.
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah those are horrible restrictions for open sourcing engines.   Now who's going to make a Cryengine Dead or Alive Xtreme ripoff with nice buildings at a military camp/casino?  A true open source engine allows for helicopter porn gambling in a world survival plot :(

  • weee
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    weee polycounter lvl 3
    remind me of 3d coat, Crytek seems to be kind of one step forward two steps backward, they seem to be keen to catch up with Unreal enigne, on the other hand, they seem to distance from the competitors just for the sake of it, it always ends up rather awkward since the engine war began.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
     If you guys are interested you may check Amazon Lumberyard. It was supposed to be completely open source (I think ? ) and has a much better communitiy support on their forums and no restrictions on architecture and simulations.
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