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PC-CSGO | AK-47 Stellar Endeavour [WIP]

polycounter lvl 2
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Fiddles polycounter lvl 2
Hello, So this is my thread to show my progress in the making of the CSGO skin for the Polycount competition. I hope you enjoy spectating my creations. If you want to check out my steam profile to see other work that I have done for CSGO (which is not much currently), search for 'Fiddles' on the steam community page. I have the same profile picture there as I have here. :)
Dates given are in the UK format so months and days are opposite as to how the american date format is displayed.

I would like to highlight that the name of the gun is exempt to change due to my level of decisiveness. 

04/05/16 - Day 1 of designing

- This is the concept of my design. This AK 47 will have a 70's-esque fish-bowl space man upon a barren looking planet. Here he will be holding a ray gun of sorts. This will be further designed to something more iconic to the 80's Sci-Fi; as specified in the brief. Wooden sections like the off-hand's handle and the stock of the gun are yet to be decided. I painted over this with paint if you're curious about them dank drawings.

- This here is the space man that I am slowly working on. I think I need to make him more in the style of pop art. This will include some colour gradient's having more noise/jitter. This just means that instead of smooth colour change, gots of the colour will be spread within the gradient's area.


  • Fiddles
    Offline / Send Message
    Fiddles polycounter lvl 2

    I am still working on the space man. Not only do I need to make him; I need to alter his colouring and saturation to make it look more of a retro feel from a sci-fi show that was on during the 80's and 70's. Clothing creases, outfit embellishments and colour organisation will be mainly worked on during the course of the next few days. This is it's current look:

    The embellishments of the outfits are obvious and the most favourite part is reflection of the thumb onto the gun. It took some toying around but it payed out. An idea I'm hoping to do is to make the wooden parts of the AK47 be like the anti-hero/villain side of a SciFi show. So I think I will do some sort of ugly bug creature on the handle and it's hive being portrayed on the stock.

  • Fiddles
    Offline / Send Message
    Fiddles polycounter lvl 2
  • Fiddles
    Offline / Send Message
    Fiddles polycounter lvl 2
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