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GoZ Maya to Zbrush. What's up with the scale in Zbrush?

polycounter lvl 5
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Tomseas polycounter lvl 5
I'm trying out GoZ so I don't have to keep exporting OBJs and then import those in zbrush. But I'm running into some really strange scale issues.

So here's my original in maya. My settings use centimeters. There's a human for scale (180 cm) and the box next to him is scale for the staff bearer.

Here's an OBJ of the staff into zbrush. Notice the brush size (default 64), and how big it is on the object.

Now, if I use GoZ, the staff is way bigger for some reason. The brush, while at the same size (64) is barely visible unless I zoom in a lot:

If I go GoZ back to maya, and compare it to the OBJ's size they are back to being identical. Is there a way to normalize this?


  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    try importing/exporting OBJ manually, sidestepping GoZ altogether?
  • Bartalon
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    Bartalon polycounter lvl 12
    GoZ should retain your actual dimensions of what you see in Maya, for a raw OBJ I'm not so sure.  But for the brush size issue, just disable the "dynamic" button on the Brush Size slider (hold shift to toggle) to switch to a screen-space brush size.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    This scale discrepancy has always been in GoZ and is something that really needs to be sorted. It's the same in Max. ZB has its own scale(size of the default tools or hitting Unify) it's about a factor of 500 in the difference.

    There are several things you can do:

    1 Use the deformation>size slider when you enter/exit ZB - slide it once left or right and hit repeat to active X times and remember the amount of times. A hack and a pain but it works.

    2 Use ZB scale for the project and scale up in Maya at the end..

    3 Change the scale to between 500-1000 in the export rollout in ZB. Enable 'import as subtool' in the GoZ prefs. This option is what I setup if I'm going to be jumping in and out all the time on a project (which I always am) and seems to work.

    The reason your mesh is the same when you go back to Maya is because it doesn't change when you GoZ.

  • Tomseas
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    Tomseas polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the replies!

    ThomasP: That's what I do right now, but I still get really strange scaling bugs, like the item being really small so dynamesh doesn't work, leading to zbrush crashing.

    Barthalon: When I goZ back to maya and compare it to the OBJ imported in maya both are the same size. If I import the OBJ into zbrush and then GoZ it to maya the size is all messed up. Like musashidan wrote, it's about 500 times bigger. The issue ends up being that some imports (either obj/goz) end up with a small mesh which makes dynamesh not work and crashes my zbrush. Not sure if this makes sense (?).

    Musashidan: thanks for the tips. I tried using 1 for a while but it seemed like a very poor fix. I'll give 3 a go. Quick question though, do you Goz from Maya/Max, then Goz right back to apply the scaling change and start working from there?

    I did some more testing today and it's really all over the place. If I GoZ from Maya, then import the obj (in zbrush) to compare, the OBJ will be way bigger. When I import the OBJ first, then GoZ, the GoZ mesh is the bigger one. I tried using GoZ using Max but I ended up with subtools in really strange places.  Random flips and what not.

    But with Max I could select a mesh made of different part and send it over. Maya forces me to combine and to resplit in Zbrush. I'm not sure if that's also a bug
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Its best to go from zbrush to your external app. First thing to do is set up a cube in the external app at the size you want your final model. Set up the model (or reference) in zbrush and send a skin using GoZ to the external app, it will be the wrong size. Play with the ZB export settings until you get a perfect fit in your external app. Save the ztool and the export settings will get saved along with it. The whole point of this exercise is to have a model at its optimal scale in ZB and have the model at the right size in your external. Once you have done the shuffle you can pendle between apps with no  size or position issues.
  • thomasp
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    Tomseas said:
    Thanks for the replies!

    ThomasP: That's what I do right now, but I still get really strange scaling bugs, like the item being really small so dynamesh doesn't work, leading to zbrush crashing.

    But with Max I could select a mesh made of different part and send it over. Maya forces me to combine and to resplit in Zbrush. I'm not sure if that's also a bug
    there's a default scaling difference between max and maya that is factor 100 (or 1000? cannot look it up now) that may be the source of your problem. e.g. max meshes come in huge in maya by default, try changing the working units under settings.

    as for the second problem look in the maya obj im/exporter options. it gives you a choice to interpret meshes as single or multiple objects. they will only show up in zbrush as polygroups though, not subtools if that is what you are after.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    If you take a look at my vid tut here I show pretty much what Kanga explains above: (relevant bit starts at 2min 20)

  • Tomseas
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    Tomseas polycounter lvl 5
    @Kanga: thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

    @thomasp : I didn't know there's was a change in scale if I send maya files to max, but you're right. My meshes get scaled 2.54 from maya to max, but from max to maya there's no downscale (nor upscale, the mesh is simply 2.54 bigger than maya original). This is so confusing coming from the same software developer.  I looked at the export options and found what I was looking for. Indeed, no subtools but polygroups. That's fine too, as i can just split it again.

    @musashidan: Thanks that's really helpful.

    So I finally got around to trying this GoZ thing again after letting it rest and somehow I couldn't replicate my issue anymore. Before the scaling would go bonkers depending on the order I'd do things. Now It's consistent all around. Really strange. If I ever run into problems, I'll come back to the video and apply it.
  • musashidan
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    musashidan high dynamic range
    Tomseas said:

    @musashidan: Thanks that's really helpful.

    So I finally got around to trying this GoZ thing again after letting it rest and somehow I couldn't replicate my issue anymore. Before the scaling would go bonkers depending on the order I'd do things. Now It's consistent all around. Really strange. If I ever run into problems, I'll come back to the video and apply it.
    Glad it was useful. Yes, GoZ is far from perfect, but I do use it constantly and find it incredibly useful on a daily basis. It really is such a shame that this scale issue - which has been there since day 1 - has yet to be resolved.

    Incidentally, have you seen this new multi-app bridge plug 'Styx'? The dev posted on here on the forums. Also does UVLayout.  It's definitely on my shopping list.

  • Tomseas
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    Tomseas polycounter lvl 5
    @musashida: that looks nuts. I'll bookmark the dev's thread and keep an eye on it. I'll have to try and make UVlayout work. I love it but I have a lot of bad luck with it, tends to freeze quite often. I should probably post my errors on their forums. 
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