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Answered: 1.8 Project not compatible with 2.0

polycounter lvl 3
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versan polycounter lvl 3
I want to open with new Quixel 2.0 old project made with Quixel 1.8.
It works, open it, all folders and layers are here but... all the materials are empty. Metals, plastics etc...
The render is good in photoshop, but i can't export anything without errors and crash and I can't edit dynamask without many bugs (converts in others mask etc). I have the 1.8 on another computer, it open the project correctly, and i've seen that the .xml are changed.
Could we resolve this or did i work with 1.8 to finish this work ?

Thank for the reply and for the work !


  • Synaesthesia
    Offline / Send Message
    Synaesthesia polycounter
    Hey Versan!

    We've actually stated previously that SUITE 1.X is not compatible with SUITE 2.X. There has been so many programming changes in the backend code, especially for material handling, for it to be compatible at all. What you can do as a workaround is ALT+LMB each mask that you'd like to carry forward to a new project, CTRL+A and CTRL+C to select all and copy, and then save them out as individual textures that you can reload into DynaMask inside a new project using Paint Mask in Photoshop.

    Of course, you could continue using SUITE 1.8 to work with this project as well.
  • versan
    Offline / Send Message
    versan polycounter lvl 3
    Thank for the reply ;)
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