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Level Building Timelapse.

Hey guys, Thanks for all the feedback on my last video - Here is another! 


Any feedback is gladly welcomed! 


  • AzzaMat
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    AzzaMat polycounter lvl 9
    You could really do with looking into tiling textures, at the moment it looks like you have a black edge around all your images and really they should be tiled. Also take a look at 3:53, That kind of UV'ing has a huge amount of wasted space. Also 5:04, if your going to uniquely unwrap an object, make sure your utilising the unique space.
  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    In general, I guess I'm not sure what the purpose is of the level you're building. If you are building it just for the sake of building it, and for testing out your assets (which appear to be really nicely made, by the way), then it definitely works for that!

    The thing I think you could improve on is incorporating more of a narrative and providing information about what this building is or what I should be doing, as a hypothetical player, inside it. In terms of art direction and architecture, I guess I'm a little unclear about your stylistic choices -- the green walls, tiled floor, and fairly generic staircase don't work together to invoke a particular style.

    In the future, I would focus more on quality and less on speed of building. I'd work up a specific smaller area to tell a story, or to guide the player on a path (including adding props, clutter, decals, etc to really polish it up). 
  • Shoes2k
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    Hi Guys

    Funnily enough I realised both of your points soon after building. I was kind of focused on getting the building done in a day which did lead me to cut alot of corners. I spent another day improving on  the models, textures and overall build of the level. It is being built for a game and You are right, Its art style is kind of confused. I'm still trying to find my own kind of niche art style.

    Thanks for your feedback, it has all been taken on board and I will add another video or picture when its more complete
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