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E-mailing companies for internships

polycounter lvl 8
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Yoji polycounter lvl 8

I needed to create this thread cause I've been searching for a way to contact studios but I just didn't find how. 
I'm a student here in Europe in my terminal year and there's this internship program called Erasmus placements. The way it works is I (the student) have to contact the place (in Europe) I want to intern at and get an invitation for it, then along with my resume, portfolio and other papers, present my documents for evaluation of eligibility. If they get approved I would then go intern at the studio of choice for about 2-3 months in which I would be payed a monthly fee by the Erasmus program, the studio wouldn't have to pay a dime for all this.

Only problem is I have to find an e-mail first so I could write to the studio. Now I really feel like this might sound absurdly funny to some people, but I would like to apply to Capcom because it's my all time favorite company because of the BoF series, and Resident Evil, both being my favorite games from childhood, growing up in the PS1 hype period, my ongoing backup choices are Square-Enix, and Bandai. Again, I am completely aware that all this might sound cocky because they're big companies and I'm sorry for my naivety if it does. 
Thing is, I'm in a total stump here because I have to submit my papers till the 25 of march,this week and I have absolutely no idea how to contact these companies because the internets is shrouding all knowledge of this procedure. oTL #FML
I would really love interning in the art or design department even as someone said around here "as the coffe boy", because it would just be that much closer to a long lasting childhood dream.

So questions would be: how and who to contact? where could I find that person's email? do I even have a chance? and, if I do, what is the probability under the conditions?

IF anyone could help in any way even with the slightest info, - You're my hero, thank you!


  • .Wiki
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    .Wiki polycounter lvl 8
    http://www.capcom-europe.com/faq.php?pg=2 Writing a mail to this adress would be a option. But to be honest, i wouldn´t expect an answer til 25th of march...
  • slipsius
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    slipsius mod
    You can try recruiters on linkedIn. or go to the company websites and click on the "contact us" page which every site has. That usually has an Info@gameCompany email you can use. 
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 12
    Most of the time it's job@compayname, if the companies are not larger than about 50 people, there is a great chance it will directly go through the HR person. you should've sent out dozens of them weeks ago I'm afraid. As far as picking the ones you want (in particular those big names) it is indeed quite naive, beggars can't be choosers (and I'm pretty sure these companies take only almost professional level interns anyway). You should google all the company names of the country you want to go to (most countries have sites that list the companies, it takes 5 minutes to find ) and go email crazy, presenting yourself and linking your portofolio.
    There are open interships here in France and it took me 30seconds to find a list  (>applicant>ads) http://emploi.afjv.com/index.php 

  • Yoji
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    Yoji polycounter lvl 8
     Thank you for all your feedback and links! As luck is on my side, I don't have a time limit on getting the answer from the company of choice right away, only the other stuff, so, yay! I did search google and LinkedIn a lot and contacted my friends who know better, the forums is usually the last place I turn to. Google doesn't like me very much so it often gives me bad results, it likes my friends however so I found a recruiting company called Datascope on LinkedIn. They have connections with almost all the studios of the mentioned companies, that are present in England and across Europe. I now searched for them on polycount and seems they're pretty famous for being nice. :) I mailed them and it's true, they actually answered almost instantly! 
     I noticed browsing studios' websites that most AAAs never have a link or at least it's really hard to find it like that Capcom one (please ignore the fact that I may be blind and dyslexic), indeed smaller studios on the other hand always had a "contact" tab which is real nice.
    Speaking of France, which is really attractive, and filled to the brim with amazing artists, how is it for a non-native speaker/bad speaker (I can only, almost read well, and would have to remind myself A LOT to be on a socially cognitive level)?
  • battlecow
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    battlecow polycounter lvl 12
    Everyone speaks english as far as I've seen and I know for a fact that  a lot of teams work in english and have non french speaking team members.
    France is indeed a pretty awesome place and to people saying parisians are rude "go grow a pair and don't stand like an idiot in the middle of the street or I'll run you over"
    cheers :)
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