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Wizards. Horse from film poster.. WIP

Hello Polycount.  I'm new here so hopefully my first post is in the spirit of the forums.  I've worked in games for a number of years, but I've been slow to pick up ZBrush.  This year I've done a push to become more current in my skill set, and really want to try and continue to get better.  With That in mind I thought I'd share what I'm currently working on.  Using the old poster from the film Wizards as inspiration, here are a few pics of my WIP.  

Here's the start of my head sculpt

beginning of Body

a bit of refinement to the legs

More work on the face and the start of polypaint

More paint and refinement

and here's where I'm at now. Added some neck hair.  Started painting the legs.


  • Rustle67
    Offline / Send Message
    Here's a small update on this post..  I've added a saddle and blocked in my rider.  The saddle is the first thing I've made using the ZModeler toolset.  

  • Steve Schulze
    Offline / Send Message
    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    Coming along well. I've actually got a pile of reference images at home of these two ready for whenever I get off my butt and have a go at modelling them.

    Looks like you've only started on Peace, so I won't crit him yet.

    With the horsey thing, I think it'd be worth having a bit more of a play with the brows to get a bit more of that frowny appearance. I'd be inclined to stick with the red eyes/no irises look too

    Are you going to go with the Peace or Necron 99 saddle?

  • Rustle67
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks for checking it out S. Schulze.  I like the skull emblem on the poster, so I'm going to stick with that.  I'm a bit nervous, about weather or not I'll be able to capture Peace's likeness in 3d.  Hopefully we'll both like him once he's more refined.  I'm definitely trying to go more by the poster than any screenshots from the movie.  I'm also taking liberties with details (Like the eyes).  Real life work may slow down progress on this project.  
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