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Jungle hut help

I've got this reference from the show NARCOS on Netflix as I'm going to start working on a little project aimed towards a jungle map filled with little drug shacks, huts, encampments, tents, you name it based in a Colombian or South American jungle for a recently released tactical shooter, Squad.

It's a poor reference from a brief scene but I've searched high and low on google for "Colombian Drug Labs" and various other keywords trying to find these makeshift labs in the middle of jungles. While there are a fair amount of them, they're all bare bone tents with some support. I don't know much about architecture so I'm not sure how they would design those little huts to have adequate wooding support for the tin roof as mine is floating now.

Also the horizontal "logs" or cylinders are tree trunks as well as the vertical ones but it might be pushing it to have the horizontal ones as all being one trunk but I'm not sure how they would connect them in the real world with inadequate building methods and materials being a makeshift drug lab out in the middle of a forest.

Posted in general discussion because I'm asking a few questions about general stuff relating to a 3d project and I'm not looking for a whole bunch of criticism nor will I be posting updates.


  • MephistonX
    Offline / Send Message
    MephistonX polycounter lvl 9
    I think your being to specific with your search criteria, they are just make shift huts, made of the materials to hand around them.

    I did a quick search on jungle hut construction and saw lots of useful reference, maybe mix that with some research on slums or shanty towns to get the make shift look that your are trying to achieve.
  • Mitchyy
    Offline / Send Message
    I think your being to specific with your search criteria, they are just make shift huts, made of the materials to hand around them.

    I did a quick search on jungle hut construction and saw lots of useful reference, maybe mix that with some research on slums or shanty towns to get the make shift look that your are trying to achieve.
    I've looked up a bunch of slum and shanty keywords but "jungle hut construction" has more fantasy huts that you would imagine on a tropical island. I can probably wing the structure but I don't want something that looks completely silly to anybody who looks at it. Though most people probably wouldn't second guess it if there wasn't any support at all!
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