LATEST; So I am committing to uploading this on to the forum as I am now in a position to show some stuff.
I have photo bashed a few concepts to get me in the mood of the 3d side of things which can be seen below;
From these I decided to focus on the arch concept and have created blockout of this arch using other references of this arch to understand some of the details that are in the piece.
Have also played a bit in zbrush, have watched a few tutorials and created some of my own alphas too below is my texture preview and setup a unreal preview so that I can quickly assess the materials I create.
Let me know what you guys think so far of everything. I don't get much time to create this with my full time job and other commitments, but will update it as much as possible and respond when I can
Have worked on a few things with this regarding the blockout and some other areas of the piece, but for now I just want to show an update to the earlier texture... IT BLENDZ!
I feel the almost black texture is a bit too much and might tone that down and I feel the light needs a tad bit of colour variation in it.
Not much of an update here, I hope to have some more stuff added soon. So here is what I am thinking at the moment for the blending on the arch. On some of the hard edges I am going to add some meshes to allow for a more unique texture and look. Rather than use this texture everywhere, I have also added more bricks than the reference shots I feel this works better, but might come back to this later on.
So, have a bit of an update on this... Getting through some textures and adding some details were possible... I'm reworking some old textures and after watching some uncharted and tomb raider videos I think I will rework some areas, for example the crosses I am thinking of doing that as actual geometry and so on... Will try and get some zbrush renders on here soon of some of the pieces.
I plugged an ao map in for that window piece and it looks really dark, has anyone played with the ao settings and if they put them into their materials might be correct but it is a bit attention grabbing I feel. Ohhh and I have some bad stretching in the uv's that I am aware of
I love the concept but night shot in particular looks amazing and very mysterious. With some dramatic lighting it would look pretty awesome. I hope you finish this. Is this going to be ingame or a render ?
Have been looking at a few tutorials and made a starter/base of the landscape using world machine.
Have also had a bit of time working on some textures and assets for this. The arch is getting there still a lot of wonky uv's and placeholder textures, I just felt like having a little break from it and trying to get some of the surroundings worked on a bit. I might start trying to do foliage for the piece (grass) as I am unfamiliar with doing this and will be something else I can learn
Been awhile since i updated this, had a fair bit of work on at work.
The past week or so i have been looking into foliage and taking inspiration from the Redwood project by Fozworth, so far i have created a basic grass and some ground leaves.
Apart from this i have been tweaking a few of the textures on the arch as well, so that they are a bit more consistent with one another.
Haven't attached images before (normally go through my blog) so let me know if this works or not.
Still getting through this adding some new foliage that i will prob go over this again at some point to clean it up make them better as for the structure i have cleaned up a few areas.
Definitely use the image tag in the post like before, much more convenient to view. I'm liking your textures, very good for being new to Zbrush. The ground is looking a bit predictable, more tufts of grass near the base of the ruins to ground it to the terrain would be a good move I think (but you say you're working on that now). I picked up on some of the bricks being stretched, but you said a few posts ago that you're aware of that, maybe something to fix sooner rather than later? haha
Still going at this in my lunch breaks, not too much to show. I followed another great tutorial on rocks, i have just created one and duplicated it a couple of times i plan on doing a few different ones especially for the background cliff that i am going to do at some point.
Well, its been a month and over the xmas period i didn't do too much art stuff... So January came along and i decided that i wanted to build on my foliage and rock skills, which are fairly minimal atm.
But i think the scene is coming along a lot better than it was a month ago. I have also been playing around with post processing in unreal which is so awesome mainly dof, which isnt in these shots as i didnt feel it was needed yet
Next up will be some rock clusters one of random scattered rocks the other a selection of rocks clumped around each other. Once i have done that i will get back on to the building and finish that off as i still have some awful uv's on it.
I really like how you have some kind of background now. I just wish you made the scene a bit more believable. I can immediately tell it's just one building in the middle of nowhere. You could put some hints in there that the scene is actually bigger than it really is. Rocks and foliage are awesome btw.!
CAY - Thanks for the feedback regarding the believability, i totally agree with you and i plan on adding some other buildings/ruins which might just be on planes in the background or actual assets (time depending) I also want to add a trail/path to the building. As if some explorers have just found the area, i did a concept awhile back that shows you the entrance area that i want to go for....
But i am glad you like foliage, its interesting to try and recreate something that in real life can be quite delicate
Not much of an update (blaming the walking dead as i am binge watching it at the moment up to season 4), but still have some new things to show.... Currently working on a tree, which is a buckeye tree. Have only made one tree before this so is a bit of a learning curve on how to make it as i dont have access to tools such a speed tree. So i am making curves and then lofting them to create the cylinders and then bridging them together. I aim on making two or three other tree variations.
I have also created a few rock piles to scatter through.
Well it has been a long time since i looked at this - work and an allotment has taken most of my time up at the moment... Slowly making my way through this. Want to add some more foliage to the piece, some background props, sort out the terrain and then lighting.
Nice work! Think some more polys could have been thrown at the rock walls, the broad, smooth planes really show off that they're flat polys instead of actual geometry. But good work overall.
Have worked on a few things with this regarding the blockout and some other areas of the piece, but for now I just want to show an update to the earlier texture... IT BLENDZ!
I feel the almost black texture is a bit too much and might tone that down and I feel the light needs a tad bit of colour variation in it.
Here's a pic showing the blending.
Not much of an update here, I hope to have some more stuff added soon. So here is what I am thinking at the moment for the blending on the arch. On some of the hard edges I am going to add some meshes to allow for a more unique texture and look. Rather than use this texture everywhere, I have also added more bricks than the reference shots I feel this works better, but might come back to this later on.
So, have a bit of an update on this... Getting through some textures and adding some details were possible... I'm reworking some old textures and after watching some uncharted and tomb raider videos I think I will rework some areas, for example the crosses I am thinking of doing that as actual geometry and so on... Will try and get some zbrush renders on here soon of some of the pieces.
I plugged an ao map in for that window piece and it looks really dark, has anyone played with the ao settings and if they put them into their materials might be correct but it is a bit attention grabbing I feel. Ohhh and I have some bad stretching in the uv's that I am aware of
I hope you finish this. Is this going to be ingame or a render ?
Have been looking at a few tutorials and made a starter/base of the landscape using world machine.
Have also had a bit of time working on some textures and assets for this. The arch is getting there still a lot of wonky uv's and placeholder textures, I just felt like having a little break from it and trying to get some of the surroundings worked on a bit. I might start trying to do foliage for the piece (grass) as I am unfamiliar with doing this and will be something else I can learn
Thanks for stopping by...
The past week or so i have been looking into foliage and taking inspiration from the Redwood project by Fozworth, so far i have created a basic grass and some ground leaves.
Apart from this i have been tweaking a few of the textures on the arch as well, so that they are a bit more consistent with one another.
Still getting through this adding some new foliage that i will prob go over this again at some point to clean it up make them better
Still going at this in my lunch breaks, not too much to show. I followed another great tutorial on rocks, i have just created one and duplicated it a couple of times i plan on doing a few different ones especially for the background cliff that i am going to do at some point.
Hope you like;
But i think the scene is coming along a lot better than it was a month ago. I have also been playing around with post processing in unreal which is so awesome
Next up will be some rock clusters one of random scattered rocks the other a selection of rocks clumped around each other. Once i have done that i will get back on to the building and finish that off as i still have some awful uv's on it.
Hope you like the improvements.
Just for fun (DOF)
I just wish you made the scene a bit more believable. I can immediately tell it's just one building in the middle of nowhere. You could put some hints in there that the scene is actually bigger than it really is.
Rocks and foliage are awesome btw.!
But i am glad you like foliage, its interesting to try and recreate something that in real life can be quite delicate
I have also created a few rock piles to scatter through.
Learnt a lot from this project and aim to take this knowledge onto my next project.
Final images below.