It's an amazing helm, but I'm not really digging the things on the sides of her head. It just makes it seem a bit unbalanced and unwieldy. Perhaps out can replace it with a few floating rings or something? I'm not exactly sure what they add to the design.
@Del , good point - I added a slightly of darker shade on them, making them a bit more lively ; and I could always adjust them shape-wise later too. I am still undecided about the idea of putting these "armor lips" in the first place as I don't want such an element to be lore-breaking. I will probably will let it sit for a bit and see how it feels in a few days ...
@Varunatide , I see what you mean, and I definitely plan to use floating elements on the next helmets I am tackling. I'll probably leave that one as is for now, as the low is wrapped up ... Thanks for the input still, I'll keep it in mind for the next ones.
Thanks for the input and comments guys - here's the baked lowpoly with some early texturing. Hopefully I'll be refining the textures, converting them to TennoGen and submitting the item tomorrow ... and then on to the next ones ! I think I understand the visual style of the game a bit better now, so that should help for what's up next
Having seen it, and dwelt on it for a day or two it is definitely the right decision to pull the lips. They're cool, interesting and wild, but they dominate the piece and it's out of step with the rest of what we've done with the Warframes. If I had the chance to write the rules up again I would likely stress making anatomy analogies extremely abstract. We have touched them with one or two alt helms, but largely stayed away from it sense. is the sort of thing we have done, and that is ultra extreme and doesn't draw into question human-ness.
Just about ready to submit - simply waiting on the Mag reference textures in order to make it fully consistent with the body materials. Moving on to other helmets in the meantime
Glad I did those -- looks like they might clarify the untintable area a bit. Note those files will be in a Specular Roughness format, so not pure metalness or spec gloss (easy enough to invert the channels so it'll look kosher in Marmoset etc).
Best one I've seen so far!
@Varunatide , I see what you mean, and I definitely plan to use floating elements on the next helmets I am tackling. I'll probably leave that one as is for now, as the low is wrapped up ... Thanks for the input still, I'll keep it in mind for the next ones.
Thanks for the input and comments guys - here's the baked lowpoly with some early texturing. Hopefully I'll be refining the textures, converting them to TennoGen and submitting the item tomorrow ... and then on to the next ones ! I think I understand the visual style of the game a bit better now, so that should help for what's up next
Good call, thanks for accommodating that!
Just about ready to submit - simply waiting on the Mag reference textures in order to make it fully consistent with the body materials. Moving on to other helmets in the meantime

Now on to the next one(s)