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Tech Box

Ok. So the idea was to make a cool box.. then I had the idea that it'd hold a dangerous creature. Here's the high poly: crit please I want to push my quality to the max with this


  • Joltya
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    Joltya polycounter lvl 10
    Looks pretty cool! I love the detail, looks very interesting. I did a paint-over with my critiques.


    Keep it up!
  • NautalusX
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    13,737 Tris
    2x 1024 maps

  • luge
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    luge polycounter lvl 4
    if its as tall as a player... you should probably put a basic character in their for size reference so we understand how its supposed to be in scale. and I agree with Jolt.
  • NautalusX
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    Completed the Diffuse and glow maps! What you guys think?
  • beefaroni
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    beefaroni sublime tool
    I think the main problem with the design right now is that there is no scale reference (wrong word) in your model.

    Aka there is nothing that tells the viewer how big your model is. Look at some crate designs. There is usually a label or something instantly recognizable that lets the viewer know "huh, this object is this big".

    Edit: I'd also look at some ways to make it feel functional. Really think about how this will be used. How is the box transported? Is it like a trashcan with the things that the garbage truck prongs slip into? Is there a huge hook on top that can be lifted by a crane? Should there be a display panel on one side with a keyboard to monitor the creature inside? Why is there a fan that could cut off someones hand on the outside without any protection over it? Maybe there could be yellow caution tape with a warning label there (would also give scale).
  • NautalusX
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    Haha your comment about "why is there a fan with no protection that could cut off hands?" was funny (: good points. Actually there are places for a crane to hook up to on top.. the ledges and the cylinders is where the crane injection juices hook up to (: I can definitely add some caution tape and what not. I like that suggestion.
  • ScottHoneycutt
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    ScottHoneycutt polycounter lvl 14
    beefaroni wrote: »
    I think the main problem with the design right now is that there is no scale reference (wrong word) in your model.

    Aka there is nothing that tells the viewer how big your model is. Look at some crate designs. There is usually a label or something instantly recognizable that lets the viewer know "huh, this object is this big".

    Edit: I'd also look at some ways to make it feel functional. Really think about how this will be used. How is the box transported? Is it like a trashcan with the things that the garbage truck prongs slip into? Is there a huge hook on top that can be lifted by a crane? Should there be a display panel on one side with a keyboard to monitor the creature inside? Why is there a fan that could cut off someones hand on the outside without any protection over it? Maybe there could be yellow caution tape with a warning label there (would also give scale).

    The display panel with keyboard idea would actually solve the scale issue very well. Size contrast really sells the scale of something and makes a more dynamic image. I like what you have here, but you need someone to tell you that it is the size of a character. The blue metal side on the far right is my favorite because it reads the best. I can tell what it is without guessing. Having said that, what style are you going for? Overall it needs more material definition ... it looks too clean. What is the white texture made out of? The AO baked looks nice but it needs more painted details or photo sources to sell what you are looking it.

    Tell the story. Make it clear what this thing is here for.
  • NautalusX
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    Well the whitish grey that makes the main body of the box is supposed to be steel. Theres 10 different materials I'm defining and some of them are coated over with paint. I was hoping that when I add in spec, gloss, and refelection that will fix any material definition issues. This is just diffuse and AO.. maybe its still not defined enough for diffuse?

    I'm going for a clean slightly worn look.
  • NautalusX
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    Finished all the maps trying to define these materials as much as I can. Any crit greatly appreciated, aiming for the best I can get here trying to push quality. I want this to be as efficient and game friendly as possible as well.

    Materials im trying to mimic:
    1. Pot metal: plating/ dark grey cheap mixture metal
    2. Cobalt: light casing/ shiney reflective, chrome but darker and brownish grey
    3. Iron: safe door/ black dullish shine
    4. Stainless steel: pin lock bars/ chrome plated horizontal brushed steel
    5. Steel: main body/ semi reflective, semi rough, mid grey, hard tough
    6. Chrome: small parts/super shiney reflective
    7. Bronze: various metal parts/brownish, golden shiney
    8. Rubber: feet/ low spec, lowgloss, low reflectivity
    9. Plastic: fan/tubing/ high spec, high gloss,
    10. Paint: mid spec, mid gloss, mid-high reflectivity


    TRIS: 13,737

    TEXTURES: Nine 1024x1024's
    Model is divided into two parts

    1. Main body: (Diffuse) (Normal) (Specular) (RGB)
    2. Extra parts: (Diffuse) (Normal) (Specular) (Emissive) (RGB)

    (RGB)= texture masks placed in RGB channels of single texture to save on compression

    (R)= Reflectivity
    (G)= Roughness
    (B)= CubeMap Dark or Light

    Uses two different cube maps that are added into the diffuse and the specular, 1 bright blue sky with clouds, 2 a darkish cube. It selects which one to use for each part on the model by the mask, then that combined cubemap is dulled down according to my reflectivity mask. My Roughness mask adds detail normal maps to the normals one for very close small detail and another one that tiles depending on view distance. It also has flickering glow with panning texture and Fresnel of darkish blue.

    It uses a master material for the main body, and a material instance for the extra parts.. with just the textures changed and a few minor things.

    *also id like to note im not ignoring comments I still very much like the 'sense of scale things to add, ive just been focusing on getting the materials best I can. computer panel could be added to it as a separate model im thinking. so it could be used elsewhere in game as well. other changes seem easy enough to add in textures, like the caution tape.. writings an decals. I could add more wires on the side panel easily too without any major changes. thanks for replys I really appreciate it im a noobie never worked anywhere trying my best to produce a quality model for games and portfolio (:
  • LaurentiuN
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    LaurentiuN interpolator
    I dont know why but to me all materials look the same, i cant make the diference what is metal and what is plastic, everything looks like cement, i really like the HP BOX, why not going with UE4 ? over UDK ? you should!!! Thats my opinion...Have fun mate.
  • ZaqSchlanger
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    ZaqSchlanger polycounter lvl 8
    I would agree with s1dk, a lot fo the PBR stuff in UE4 would help to diversify the surface. Many of the materials you are trying to accomplish would be only a few nodes in Unreal 4.

    I do however like all of the detail and color of each material, and I think that if you could bring the mesh into Unreal 4, it would look great
  • NautalusX
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    Whats largely making them look the same is the cubemaps I have applied over everything also the same gloss applied globally. Im basically trying to hard to mimic some pbr system lol. Your probably right it would be much easier to define things with BPR. my graphics card isn't DX11 compatible though :( its the gtx275, ill probably need a new one before I get UE4.
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