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Sketchbook: TheWalkerGod

Hello, I decided it's time I start posting my work to one these, so that I can better improve and keep track of my progression. I'm looking to specialize in drawing characters and character modeling/sculpting/texturing. Critiques are welcome and wanted.



  • flipside8404
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    Did you use a reference for this drawing? The first thing I learned during my Observational drawing class was to draw what I see and not what I think it should be. I used to draw faces/bodies without references but just the way I think what they should look like and I thought, wow "I was good" hahaha..this is coming from somebody that has 12 years of anatomy/medical background for 12 years! After using references/images..I can honestly say that the improvement was 110% better!

    Do some drawing exercises, outlines (drawing an object/faces without looking at your paper..this is a fun one), the upside down drawing technique, try to use more of a continuous lines instead of short broken lines, it will show confidence on your drawings.Reference! Reference! Reference! Draw! Draw! Draw! (I should also take this advice myself..lol)

    But overall, not too bad..I would like to see your future drawings!
  • TheWalkerGod
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    College Applications and studying for SAT subject tests have been kicking my ass right now, so I haven't had the time to draw as much as I should, or do anything else really. Anyway I've decided to post what little I've done just so I don't end up giving up on this thread.



    In my opinion the two things I need to work on are clean line work and shading. I think shading just comes down to lack of knowledge on how to properly shade. As for clean line work I'm a little more confused. It just ends up getting really messy when I lay down a foundation and then continuously add more and more detail. Any help/critique would be greatly welcome.
  • TheWalkerGod
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    Decided that I'm going to keep drawing one specific subject till it's 100% accurate:

    Anyway, here's the first go:

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