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Domain change?

polycounter lvl 11
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roboy polycounter lvl 11
So hopefully this is in the right place... it's a general question so!

I've recently been thinking about changing my domain name to be something more professional

I have the domain 'roboy.me' and as my domain is soon to be expired, thought I should buy a .com instead

I am rather attached to this domain so I don't know if I can go through with it :poly122:


  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    roboy wrote: »
    So hopefully this is in the right place... it's a general question so!

    I've recently been thinking about changing my domain name to be something more professional

    I have the domain 'roboy.me' and as my domain is soon to be expired, thought I should buy a .com instead

    I am rather attached to this domain so I don't know if I can go through with it :poly122:

    Well if you're attached to the domain, just keep it and get a another more professional one. You could have them both point to your site, or have the roboy.me point to a wip blog or something.
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Try to get something memorable, or, something that incorporates your name in some way.

    My domains are

    LMP3D.com (incorporates my initials, shot and memorable, and incorporates my professional goals.)

    LightingArtiste.com (This... was a compromise, I really wanted LightingArist.com, but... I didn't exactly have $1900 to drop on purchasing it)
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Ideally, get both. Link roboy.me on personal sites, and roboy.(more professional option) on applications and professional profiles. I have a few, myself, all leading to the same portfolio.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I think this is nitpicking to the extreme. How is .com more professional than .me Seriously don't care. Bagelhero.me is way more professional than xNormalPoul3Dx.com
  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Odow wrote: »
    I think this is nitpicking to the extreme. How is .com more professional than .me Seriously don't care. Bagelhero.me is way more professional than xNormalPoul3Dx.com

    Because when you give someone a website, or tell them the domain name, people are likely to assume ".com" as the first thing they would search for, it's best to play to the lowest common denominator in a professional setting because being too complex could potentially backfire on you. KISS, keep is simple stupid.
  • roboy
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    roboy polycounter lvl 11
    Appreciate the reply guys - I was planning on the change for the fact that if someone were to search roboy on google, my website can be found on the 7th page... :poly124:

    In the end I renewed my domain and bought something a bit more unique, iamroboy.com - I'll just use both pointing to the same place

    Thanks again! :)
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