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Hand Painted Gun

Hey everyone, I just finished up modeling and hand painting this gun I would love a critique and some criticism. In total it has 722 faces total or 1356 tris. The reference image is in the top right, although I cannot for the life of me find the original artist.

Edit* Original Artist being the amazingly talented Calvin Boice, definitely go check out his current stuff!


  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Make a specular color map, with the same colors and saturate it and think of making it shine, right now the colors are toned down looking to me based on looking at the reference, the red sticks out as being more saturated, then the entire model looks like it could use a spec color map to boost those areas up.

    You can also just decide to enhance the areas up and then make a spec/metal map or not as long as it matches the concept as close as possible.

    Nice work, a little too simple in design, as i was like there are a lot of areas that could use a bit more details, but for simple stylized it works well.
  • Zane-St
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    Definitely agree! The original artist has a whole set of these weapons and i plan on doing every one of them, I could definitely run a spec map through with the next one along with some hyped colors
  • Sukotto
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    Sukotto polycounter lvl 8
    If you're just doing diffuse only, I don't see why you would add a spec map. Just paint everything in. If you're doing this to get better at hand painting, I think adding a spec map would be pointless.

    That said, its a good start. You can definitely push the contrast more to make things pop. And imagine this with top down lighting, so the top of the gun would be the lightest and adjust the shading on each face/plane accordingly. Right now the gradient shading doesn't help and just makes the whole thing look flat. You could also stand to bump up the edge highlights.

    I'd look into Tyson Murphy's tutorial: http://3dmotive.com/series/hand-painted-texturing.html
  • Zane-St
    Offline / Send Message
    Sukotto wrote: »
    If you're just doing diffuse only, I don't see why you would add a spec map. Just paint everything in. If you're doing this to get better at hand painting, I think adding a spec map would be pointless.

    That said, its a good start. You can definitely push the contrast more to make things pop. And imagine this with top down lighting, so the top of the gun would be the lightest and adjust the shading on each face/plane accordingly. Right now the gradient shading doesn't help and just makes the whole thing look flat. You could also stand to bump up the edge highlights.

    I'd look into Tyson Murphy's tutorial: http://3dmotive.com/series/hand-painted-texturing.html

    I actually just finished his tutorials! he definitely has a way with his highlights I would like to match for my next hand painted project. From what you guys have said, more contrast and popping colors to keep the piece from being flat, and I definitely agree! Thank you for the feedback!
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