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An environment artist' portfolio review

polycounter lvl 4
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Nomad6 polycounter lvl 4
Good day, polycount!
Got word the other day that i have apparently graduated. Which means it's time to start job hunting (oh dear)!

I took some time to polish up my portfolio and this seemed like a good place to start asking for some c&c.


I haven't updated the 'resume' page and it's horribly outdated, so ignore that for now.
I have, however, an updated .PDF version on my dropbox.
It would be very much appreciated to get some feedback on that as well.

Thanks for your time.


  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Nice videos, though, little nit pick, I can't watch them at an ideal HD resolution unless I go to Vimeo and leave your website. Also, it would be nice if I could see the breakdowns of your environments in nice screenshots directly below the videos.
  • Swaggletooth
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    Swaggletooth polycounter lvl 5
    Your work is good, but I definitely think it would be a good idea to have some static images to supplement the videos (maybe place them beneath the video and text as thumbnails).

    DM Obsidian is probably better off removed - I hate to be so blunt, but it doesn't look as good as your other stuff. If you remove that, then you should definitely try and make another scene (it doesn't need to be big) to place at the top which will really wow people.
  • WarrenM
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    LMP wrote: »
    Nice videos, though, little nit pick, I can't watch them at an ideal HD resolution unless I go to Vimeo and leave your website.
    I was JUST going to complain about that. Use YouTube. Vimeo are stupid about how they handle that.
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    I would much prefer to see images than video as first impression. Your work is great, and you should immediately have some stills with additional shots or breakdowns, supplemented by the video which would fine.
  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    Videos only? I would rather see images over videos, ideally both but definitely have images of your work.
  • mon246
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    mon246 polycounter lvl 2
    Watching those mute videos of the environments is pretty monotonous. Add some music/sound effects to the videos. It's all about product presentation, make the viewer want to see more.

    Also, with portfolio sites I always prefer to see one showcase of your work on the homepage, with a link to see more, As opposed to a list of categories to look at.
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