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modding with DLLs in games

Hey guys,

first of all I wanna ask if you are allowed to mod games by injecting DLLs, like it's done in GTA 5...Only modding the game, not cracking it!
In GTA 5 you inject the DLL with a Trainer, or do you? And I wanna ask if there is any way to inject DLLs into other games to make mods.

If I inject a DLL, do I have to activate/initiate it?

Thx to all answers :)

Pls no hater comments, I wanna just have a nice little talk with u guys


  • Chimp
    Offline / Send Message
    Chimp interpolator
    Truth of the matter is this: you aren't supposed to do it. Whether or not it's actually legal is always up for debate but developers don't want you to do it and they do their best with EULAs to try to ensure you wont. There are many reasons for this, but the most obvious is that it ruins the experience for other players in MP.

    There's nothing stopping you from having a dig around the source files of your favourite games though -- it's how a lot of us learn i.e looking at what game artists do in real production scenarios. Just use common sense and stay offline with your edits, save yourself getting banned and save everyone else from extreme frustration and annoyance.

    As to how to do it, that's not something I or anyone else here should talk about. It's disrespectful. Remember you're talking to the very people who make these games, asking how to tear them apart.

    edit: what exactly do you want to do with these mods?
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    It's also a quick way to get yourself a Steam VAC ban... even if you're not doing anything malicious.

    Ask the Russian folks that made the CS mod Paranoia and decided they wanted to use a modified .dll to add normal mapping, and it got people VAC banned which Valve refused to hear appeals over. They're lucky they were in Russia... they very well could have gotten legitimately sued and possibly worse if they'd been in reach of Western legal systems.

    I don't necessarily concur with the notion of it being "disrespectful". There are games I play (or played) which were long abandoned by the developers that have been kept alive with modding to ridiculous levels using .dll additions (Total Annihilation STILL has an active player base almost 20 years later because of it). We've also seen multiplayer experiences in games get essentially destroyed by jackasses hacking up an otherwise fun game. Counter Strike is the landmark example of that.

    Bottom line... you get very, very far out into the wild country and badlands with what you're suggesting. You are fully and solely accountable for everything you unleash, good or bad. If something goes wrong and people get upset or the lawyers hit the warpath, it is entirely, wholly, irreversibly, your ass.

    Up to you to decide if you want that kind of risk hanging over you every night you go to sleep after you cross that line.
  • Eric Chadwick
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    I agree with the last two.

    However I also see the value in dissecting software to learn how it works. It's a fairly common practice. A great way to learn. The trouble only comes when sharing what you've done. If you keep it internal only, no biggie.

    As far as art goes, reverse engineering to make an asset viewer or exporter is a great way to learn how the assets for a particular game were made. Again, when you get to releasing those tools, that's where the legal trouble can arise. But doing it for your own knowledge is certainly a wide practice, and actually a good thing, for personal learning.
  • Micaki
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    Micaki polycounter lvl 3
    I never really though that you can easily explore how stuff was made in various games. It would be great to learn that way.
    As to how to do it, that's not something I or anyone else here should talk about. It's disrespectful. Remember you're talking to the very people who make these games, asking how to tear them apart.
    Isn't it a little bit overreacting? I know that basically you want to tear apart work created by a lof of people for a long time and they are propably attached to their "child", but on the other way if you dont want to cheat or ruin others experience that way but just be a better artist with personal work then why would it be disrespectful? I'm not mad when people can learn something usefull from my work. Creating negative vibe around it makes no sense for me, no one gains anything that way.

    So i would love to get more info how to tear apart someones child (ʘ‿ʘ)

    That sounds worse than it should -_-
  • throttlekitty
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    Why are people so opposed to modding the code for games but art-based mods or things made in an editor (first or third party) kosher? Though I do agree with what Eric says about the legality of it; disseminating proprietary info is a tricky one.

    I don't quite get Chimp's mention that it's disrespectful as a blanket statement. (I do get irked when I see modders name their stuff "Better xyz", that's just a slap in the face for no reason.)

    But it also depends on what you're doing too. Cheating in multiplayer is always a no-no. Modders have added all kinds of cool stuff to Diablo II via dll edits on the other hand.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Why are people so opposed to modding the code for games but art-based mods or things made in an editor (first or third party) kosher? Though I do agree with what Eric says about the legality of it; disseminating proprietary info is a tricky one.

    I don't quite get Chimp's mention that it's disrespectful as a blanket statement. (I do get irked when I see modders name their stuff "Better xyz", that's just a slap in the face for no reason.)

    But it also depends on what you're doing too. Cheating in multiplayer is always a no-no. Modders have added all kinds of cool stuff to Diablo II via dll edits on the other hand.

    I think there's a common conceit that art is an "appearance" thing only in a game, where code "actually changes how stuff works". So there's this long running notion that only changing how the game looks doesn't mess with the game mechanics.

    It's stupid, but my impression is that's the root of it.
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