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(3ds max) Connect - With Dialog

Hello! :\

I was just wondering if anyone knows a workaround to get the 'Connect (with dialog)' hotkey function working?

As far as I know, it has 'never' really popped up a dialog window, unless I've missed something. In its current state, it simply connects the selected edges without the dialog window popping up, which is a bit of a concern!

I have noticed that other people have posted the same issue online, and I have not seen any answers where the solution can be wielded solely with the native software (i.e. no plug-ins!) I hope that perhaps one of you may know a solution.

Thanks in advance,

- Andr


  • Noors
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors greentooth
    One more mystery in max shortcuts big nonsense.

    The only way i've found, is to toggle the keyboard shortcuts override, then, under

    customize UI>
    editable poly or edit poly (because they are not the same , that would be too logical hohoho !)
    connect edge settings : assign a shortcut

    Now it would be great to not have to use the overide because it's really confusing to me.
  • Andr
    Offline / Send Message
    Noors wrote: »
    One more mystery in max shortcuts big nonsense.

    The only way i've found, is to toggle the keyboard shortcuts override, then, under

    customize UI>
    editable poly or edit poly (because they are not the same , that would be too logical hohoho !)
    connect edge settings : assign a shortcut

    Now it would be great to not have to use the overide because it's really confusing to me.

    Great, it works! Thank you.

    Too bad it requires the hotkey override, the epitome of hotkey madness! I'll investigate further to see if there is another way...
  • MisterSande
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    MisterSande polycounter lvl 8
    I am just bumping this thread since I have the same problem yet this solution (if it can be called one) does not work for me. Connecting without the dialogue box works fine but with the option on it still displays the connect without the settings box.

    It is driving me crazy >_>
  • Denys_Ivanenko
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    Denys_Ivanenko polycounter lvl 7
    I am just bumping this thread since I have the same problem yet this solution (if it can be called one) does not work for me. Connecting without the dialogue box works fine but with the option on it still displays the connect without the settings box.

    It is driving me crazy >_>

    MisterSande, this solution does not work for me TOO (((( Did you find some working solution? Does anybody know the answer?
  • kary
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    kary polycounter lvl 18
    Try assigning a hotkey to ConnectOptions. Seem to be two in the show all commands list and it's the first one.

    It comes by default and is doing this:

    MacroScript ConnectEdgesOptions
    internalCategory:"Ribbon - Modeling"
    On IsEnabled Return Filters.Is_EPolySpecifyLevel #{3..4}

    On Execute do (
    local A = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
    A.popupDialog #ConnectEdges
  • MikeMS
    Offline / Send Message
    MikeMS polycounter lvl 3
    kary said:
    local A = modPanel.getCurrentObject()
    A.popupDialog #ConnectEdges
    Big thank you man! :smile:
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