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Roger "Knuckles" Banes

polycounter lvl 2
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MStony polycounter lvl 2
Hi, first, sorry for the quality of my English, is not my first language but I hope is enough for understanding what I mean.

Cartoon Girl Head - 03-03-2015

Here is a project with the help of the tutorial made by Matt Thorup (https://gumroad.com/redbeard), I have not done the torso cause of a lack of time ( works and studies)


Roger "Knuckles" Banes - 12-14-2014

This project is the first character I made in my life, it's a homework I had in my course so I have some constraint like time, amount of triangle and complexity. I would like to have your criticism and comment about this project, what is good, what need more work. For this project I used ZBrush, 3ds Max, Photoshop and Marmoset 2.


For more detail visite : http://mlapierre.crevado.com/roger-knucles-banes


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