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Need Critique on my model

polycounter lvl 3
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sundarius polycounter lvl 3

Hope you guys are doing good!. Thanks for checking my thread.

I wanted critiques on my personal work. The model is in WIP. Would really appreciate some help. I know things are wrong in it, but i am not sure what is. I would be of great help if you guys could pin point it (especially the face is the one that is throwing me off).




  • 3dcwcurto
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    3dcwcurto polycounter lvl 10
    I like the pants. Did you make the pattern?

    Things I would fix
    -head is too tall compared to width. The top of the brow to the bottom of the chin should make more of a box compared to the width. You have a very elongated rectangle.
    -I would make the jaw line wider and add more of a connection underneath to the neck.
    -the flace seems tilted. I would pull the chin back
    -eyelids don't have any proper shape to them. Also I think to much of the eyeball is exposed for a male character.
    -forearms are too thin
    -I am not to sure about the leg length compared to the torso. I would find some proportion guides and check.
    There is a lot missing and I don't know the names of stuff. I listed what is most glaring to me.
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    Good start,

    my only comment is that the forearms and hands look bit too small, I found some random reference online. Check out the forearms and see how much bigger/thicker they are

  • sundarius
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    sundarius polycounter lvl 3
    @3dcwcurto, @jose.fuentes. Thanks for your reviews really appreciate it.

    @3dcwcurto Thanks for taking some time and reviewing my work. The pattern in the pant texture used around 3 patterns and made them, so i didn't make them exactly :).

    Thanks for the feedback on the face i will go back and work on it, may be redo it so i could learn it better. As for as the proportions are concerned i checked it out and they seem fine (measures exactly 7.5 heads). Will check on the forearm once more, may be it seems tapering because of the angle. I used Rafael Grasetti's anatomy reference while making them, but will look at them again. Thanks once more.

    @jose.fuentes Thanks man. Really appreciate you taking some time to review my work.

    Will check on the forearm, may be it seems tapered because of the rendering angle. The forearm is twisted a bit( for rigging purposes) so that could have also made it appear thin. About the length I am not sure. Will check on them. Thanks.
  • 3dcwcurto
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    3dcwcurto polycounter lvl 10
    Can you link the patterns or a tutorial on making the final result?

    If I were you I would load both your model into a scene and Grasettis anatomy start model and compare. If your character is good proportionally vertically then your widths and thickness are off.
    Or get his ecorche and compare that but understand without fat/skin/ect the ecorche will be deflated. Zack Petroc has a nice ecorche on his website as well.
    Maybe buy a few 3dscan models of men so you get more used to seing how things should be. Don't rely on one tho since bio-diversity is real.
  • sundarius
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    sundarius polycounter lvl 3
    @3dcwcurto I have the image, will let you the know link once i find the link for them.

    May be the width and thickness is off. Will have a look on them. Thanks again man.

    As you say need to get a good understanding of the anatomy.
  • sundarius
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    sundarius polycounter lvl 3
    @dustinbrown Hi dustin, Thanks for the effort you have taken to explain me. Will update you soon on the reworked face.
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