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Portfolio Crits please

polycounter lvl 9
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noosence polycounter lvl 9
I have update my portfolio. Just looking for some crits on the quality of work and what I could change or remove. Thanks for checking out!

Portfolio is here.


  • 3dReaper
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    3dReaper polycounter lvl 4
    The gun should be at the top in my opinion. The space suit glove is alright but I would either remove it or at the very least change your description, "An older asset for a project that never ended up getting off the ground." Sounds overtly negative and essentially tells me you do not like it any longer or you think it is old therefore not good.

    My thoughts...
  • joshschmitt
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    joshschmitt polycounter lvl 11
    I really like the muddy ground.

    However your texturing for the gun and the concrete can be improved greatly.

    The gun from what I can see only has scratches.

    The concrete has those lines that go horizontal which take away from the entire piece.
  • _Kratos_
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    _Kratos_ polycounter lvl 11
    What i would say...mud looks good but model more props & improve on texturing...
    The glove is not adding anything to your portfolio... you need more stuff... more complez assets...
    Hope it helps
  • noosence
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    noosence polycounter lvl 9
    @3dReaper I just decided to take it off, it was an older asset.

    @Joshschmitt & @_Kratos_ I have already gotten critiqued on the gun texture and need to update it badly -_-, poor time management on my part, I will also redo the concrete texture as well.
    Thanks for the crits guys!
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