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Polycount Page Jump

polycounter lvl 13
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Tenshi polycounter lvl 13
Hi guys,

Wondering if there's some way to do a jump between pages for thread that have a lot of pages. I noticed i can only jump from "first to last" or to jump in increments of 3 > 10 > 50 pages.

There's a button to jump to the page i want? It's hard to look at all the pages in threads like "What are you working on?" or the "Low Poly" one..


  • mazz423
    Offline / Send Message
    mazz423 polycounter lvl 9
    Not as far as I'm aware, however you can just do it manually by changing the URL,

    For example:


    Takes you to page 132, obviously.


    And that'll take you to page 24, so just change that value when you're on a thread and it should work fine.
  • Tenshi
    Offline / Send Message
    Tenshi polycounter lvl 13
    Oh thanks for that advice. At least is something...

    But the forum needs something like that, you can do search everywhere, but can't jump to a page...
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