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Jrpg-ish kind of character

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Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
I wasn't happy with my other character anatomy,so I felt the need to start all over again :S

In the end I would like to have something as badass as Dante from DMC and with a Jrpg kind of feel to it (I wonder if I'll get that just out of the hairs xD ),like Tera characters,and so I'm kind of experimenting with proportions,and I may have just gave him legs that are too long :S The thing that bothers me the most for now is the 3/4 view,it looks stiff but I'm not sure why >_< Like in the abs area
The back didn't received too much attention,I'll work it more after the feet
What do you think? Any crit is appreciated :)



  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    He either needs longer arms or shorter legs, up to you what direction you want to go.

    If you want something typical of a jrpg then I would suggest making him thinner and his facial features more androgynous.
  • Abrvpt
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    Abrvpt polycounter lvl 4
    Good start ! A minor crit first, the transition from the back of the hand to the arm is Really sharp.
    On the proportions, you could keep the long legs and balance them with longer arms, as he seems to become a quite tall guy. It could fit the badass middle age man archetype well.
    If you want to go for the jrpg hero archetype, then the legs are too long (this kind of characters are usually medium sized) and as AtticusMars said, he need a softer, more androgynous face.
    Keep up !
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thx for the crit guys,I'll fix that arms,or maybe I slighly lenghten the arms and slightly shorten the legs,wichever looks cooler :)
    Regarding the face,I had specifically put "masculine" inside my definition of badass,so I'm not sure I want to bring it in the androgynous direction,but I'll try that as well just to see what I get :P

    Also (and this is more on the technical side) since in the end I want a face fully rigged,how should I go now about making mouth and eyes into that sculpt? :poly122:
    Seems both really tricky part to get right...I guess that I have to put a big hole for the mouth and redo the lips, right? :/
    For the upper eyelid,I'm not sure if it needs a proper bake of the normal (and so an upper eyelid overlapped to that skin on top of it) or if I could just put extra poly in the lowpoly model that stretch the normal map without anyone noticing...
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Little up,added feets,placeholder for hairs,slightly improved hands and chest area,longer arms (and accidentally broke arms flow :poly122:)

    Still not happy with the 3/4 view and kind of strugling using the reference,so I'll keep working it until I'm happy with how it looks.
    Next,I think I'll move to the legs area.
    Any crit is welcome :)

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Guys can you please help me figure out what's wrong with the torso 3/4 & profile?
    Bacause while sculpting it it looks ok-ish to me in the front,but then I start rotating and I have this feeling something is wrong in the 3/4,and when I get to the profile I just read it as stupid...so clearly I'm making some serious mistake here,but I have yer to figure out what this is...help pls :/

  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    I'm having a problem :/

    Basically I modeled this decoration for the pants inside 3ds max


    Now I want to apply it perfectly to the irregular surface of the pants,but everything is failing...
    If I do a path deform inside 3ds max,there are some parts of the decoration that don't touch the surface and some that does.
    If I try to manually place it using 3 bend and 3 twist modifiers,not only is insane but still I get kind of not so nice resoults.
    If I use the MatchMaker brush,for some reason doesn't work at all as expected and gives terrible resoults (may be that don't work well with a single mesh with multiple elements?!)
    If I do a MRGBZGrabber,the captured image is not smooth as one would expect,but full of aliasing in the edges,thus giving the resoult in the image below when I drag that alpha on the model (which have more poly than that,is just the poor alpha grab ruining the decoration edges)

    Smoothing it out will kill some of the modeled hard edges,so I want to avoid that.
    What option do you guys recomend that would allow me to insert in place my decoration perfectly following the surface and without losing detail?? :poly141:

    EDIT: my bad,apparently I used the Matchmaker incorrectly the first time :poly136:

  • Asura
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    Asura greentooth
    I love this style, and am currently trying to get a good grasp on stylized characters so I'll be following this thread closely. I think it looks great so far :D!!
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Thx Asura,here a screen of the current model (image below)

    Things to do next: sculpt the back,refine torso,hands,legs,pants,adjust the decoration so that it has a nice curvy silouette(instead of the weavy one in the front 3/4 view),model the hair in 3ds max, and then mouth/teeth/tongue. I'm almost there,just a bit more :)
    He'll stay naked as it is since the next learning focus will be proper character topology and how to do a good rig,and I must remember not to rush though I'm looking forward to it :poly124:

  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Nice work,

    However wouldn't that cool fancy design dig into his body at some point and would also hinder his movement? By making the pants even tighter as he moved about.

    Nice design though I like it, what is the reference or inspiration this comes from? sry to lazy to look it up myself.
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    @David: For the pants I had in mind something to wear while no armor is equipped,like this screen from monster hunter, for the metal piece on top of the cloth I had in mind something like Tera online,where in this image and this on the back and also the bird in this one, you can clearly see rigid parts on top of cloth,but since those are baked into the texture and part of the same mesh they behave a bit like rubber while moving,still it doesn't bothered me and looked cool most of the time,especially when standing,so I'll just try the same,baking that detail into the low poly pants.
    For the design,I guess the inspiration came out from something like this,though didn't look for reference,so was more like the idea I had of that pattern xD
    Which looked like the image below during the overpaint/design stage
  • DavidCruz
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    DavidCruz interpolator
    Thanks for the refs, carry on then. I never saw these characters or that style of dressing before, instantly thought metal/gold/silver type of bits and not leather or 'rubber' designs.
    I guess it can be passed off as painted rubber/leather? so those designs can make more sense.
    Though to be totally honest it looks like that skirt the chick is wearing is a metal sheet at the front, but it is bending so :) rubber it is then. :)

    You planning to do that to his entire clothing design? Also thanks for the pattern illustration (i wasn't clear but its a cool addition to add to the mix of images).

    If your going for gold pull back on the orange saturation and maybe add some yellow, but if this is just a play through with mats its fine only the final matters. :)

    Interesting never the less go go go ! =p
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Making the hair,in this image trying using hair & fur to drive some planes,while in the second image 100% hair & fur converted into mesh

    So honestly I have no idea where am I going,so I'm like trying a bit of everything in order to figure out the kind of workflow I should be using. Planes are cool because then I think I can have them slightly moving according to the character movement inside UE4,while the 2nd method gives a more organic and "cohesive?" look to the thing and from there I could probably kill the detail in Zbrush and make it more stylized,keeping the big masses as a base for the sculpt,though in this case I would end up baking a solid "helmet"...so I would like to have the best from both,but I still have to figure out how to go about it :/
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    and now attempting with some sculpted hairs in progress,I think this will be the way I'll go.
    Also some more of the hand

  • Khaja
    looking good. you could always try a mix of both by having some hair planes on the surface of the base hair to give it that movement?
  • Texelion
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    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Sculpted hair FTW, I think on stylized characters it helps keeping the style between parts, like a statue.

    Imagine if ancient sculptor masters had put wigs to their statues instead of sculpting the hair. Would look silly, wouldn't it ? ^^
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    @Texelion: well,I think this proves that it could work on stylized characters as well if done correctly,but since I can't have that inside unreal engine 4 (or I should say "I have no idea how to get that") indeed sculpted hair ftw.

    @Khaja:yes,I'll keep that option in mind as next step once I have this hair sculpt done :)
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Ok,I think I'm settling on the workflow,just need to perform some more experiments.
    Basically I'm thinking to take something like 6-10 hair shapes out of that sculpt,refine them,retopology and use the splines from the retopology to drive the hair & fur inside max,getting something like what Ornatrix does,right? So I can bake down the hair texture,going for something like this I think.
    And then I'll use the 6-10 hair shapes to rebuild the hairstyle inside max,so that having all those separate I can have them moving reacting to the character movement through spring bone I guess,or something like that. Question is if I should be baking the hair shading into the diffure or just flat color and getting that same shading inside UE4...well,I guess I'll bake both and worry about it later
    Also got to keep in mind it has to be seen from distance,so probably I'll need this bigger hairs :S

    What if I do also bakes with more hairs?! Like for a LOD,so that if the camera zooms,the hair texture changes with one with thinner hairs...I wonder if it could be done inside UE4...
  • Marcus_Aseth
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    Marcus_Aseth polycounter lvl 9
    Took a pause from it,so now I'm back and I realize I don't have Square-Enix means,so I'll stick to the plebs workflows ( jk :) ) and do static sculpted hairs
    Blocking out,still a mess,I wonder if I should have used multiple subtools for this...well,too late.
    (left img right/back side on the work,so missing mass)

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