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Beginner's Portfolio

I've been around 3D for a while now and decided to make a work-in-progress portfolio to showcase how my learning has been going. They're all highpoly models, since I haven't properly gotten into lowpoly and texturing simply because there wasn't enough time over the last few years to really dedicate myself to learning 3ds max in-depth, hopefully that will change soon. Basically, as stated in the portfolio, my intention is to highlight how my modeling abilities have improved since I began in 2012. So, how does all this look? Is there a visible improvement? Should I focus on some different modeling techniques to go a step further in that respect or should I get down to texturing as soon as possible? Any critique and tips are greatly appreciated, thanks. :)
Oh and here's the link to the portfolio: https://filipfelbar.carbonmade.com/
P.S. the Millennium Falcon model will be changed over the next month or so, as I feel the highpoly model could be better.


  • kanga
    Offline / Send Message
    kanga quad damage
    Yeah the website is really nice as is your work. You have a tendency to work in small detail which is pretty ok. Its just my opinion but I reckon you should hop right into making textured optimized models and seriously try out Quixel or substance painter.

    Nice work man!
  • Kalipto
    kanga wrote: »
    Yeah the website is really nice as is your work. You have a tendency to work in small detail which is pretty ok. Its just my opinion but I reckon you should hop right into making textured optimized models and seriously try out Quixel or substance painter.

    Nice work man!

    Thanks :)
    Going to definitely check 'em out and start learning
  • Phong
    Offline / Send Message
    Phong polycounter lvl 3
    Your detail work is pretty good as kanga said, but I'd make sure to pay attention to proportions more. Careful with modeling super iconic things like the millennium falcon. It's very obvious to people when there are things that dont match up to the original. The AO pass is not really needed for displaying a render. That's more for the texturing side of things.

    Keep it up though, there is definitely improvement over the years :)
  • Tobbo
    Offline / Send Message
    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    I would recommend Substance Designer for texture work.

    Also, go ahead and take out the 'Beginner' part in the title Environment Artist. There's no need to even say it, even if it is true. You're just setting yourself up to be judged on a sup-par level. Just say Environment Artist and let the work speak for itself.
  • Deathstick
    Offline / Send Message
    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    I'd say nice work, though you should definitely be taking some of those assets and moving on to creating the low poly for them and doing the UV/texturing work, as that's the other half of the job.

    I agree with taking out "beginner" from your portfolio website header. I also would probably remove how it's currently setup as "My work in 2012 - 2015," etc. and basically change it to show your best work. You can keep those categories if you'd like on a blog or separate website, but for your portfolio I'd revamp it to only show your best versus being grouped by year.

    I read your bio too, and it's nice and personal. My only 2 cents are you might want to trim/revise it a bit. I'd probably just take out the lines at the end: "I currently have no professional experience in the games industry, but hope to change that in the future. At the moment the images on this portfolio serve as a showcase of how my modeling skills have improved over the last few years." It'll be obvious from your resume or interviews that you won't have prior game experience, and these lines, while honest, come across as a lack of confidence. Of course you don't have to be super obnoxious/overtly confident either, but there is such a thing as sounding too humble as well.

    I hope those suggestions help you out in presenting yourself, keep it up and best of luck!
  • Kalipto
    Thanks again for all the tips :)
    Just checked out a few tutorials on Substance Designer and it looks really powerful, can't wait to try it out.
    I'll start optimizing some of my recent models and get them ready for texturing.
    And I'll make a few adjustments to the portfolio site over the next few weeks/months when I have some more work to showcase, and then make a blog for the old images.
  • Kalipto
    Ok, finally got a bit more time to change up the portfolio some more, I created a site with weebly so I could put up a blog for a few more of my projects and add in a few more things here and there, now, would it be best to have this site where I basically put up a lot of renders as well as more information about myself and have my portfolio (where I would have the few best pieces of my work) as a page on the site or should I move the portfolio to a separate site entirely (like my current carbonmade)?
    Here's the link: http://filipfelbar.weebly.com/
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