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Bierzerkers on Steam Early Access July 9th (with screens)

Hello Polycount :)

We've been busy at Shield Break Studios and finally releasing our debut title, Bierzerkers, onto Steam Early Access in 2 days. Super exciting and scary. We really want to support user generated content Valve style down the line so I can't wait to get some polycounters involved :)

Here are some screenshots and artwork.






Check more out at http://www.bierzerkers.com or @Shield_Break on Twitter

Will Harris
Co-Founder/Lead Designer @ Shield Break Studios


  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    the art looks fantastic! well done
  • beefaroni
    Offline / Send Message
    beefaroni sublime tool
    Wow, great art style. Really looking forward to seeing more. Everything ties together really nicely from the characters to fx to environments.
  • Will Harris
    Offline / Send Message
    The game is out now!

    Here's a video of some dude playing it: https://youtu.be/sSp2osvbG7E

    and here's the Steam link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/348460/
  • Zack Maxwell
    Offline / Send Message
    Zack Maxwell interpolator
    I'm very confused.
    At first I thought the name was a simple pun, but then I realized that was an I, not a second E.
    I'm really curious now what that name is about.
  • Bek
    Offline / Send Message
    Bek interpolator
    bier here is the German word (meaning beer), bier in English is archaic.

    That banner is cool; love the subverted trope of dwarves typically being ale-quaffing drunkards. I can't say I've seen one portrayed looking bored with a cocktail before.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    looking nice!

    all your promotional shots are so nice and clean and the logo (the yellow version) is exceptional, but the ingame UI is very messy and inconsistent in style and that drags down the visuals a lot imo. Try going for your own style and do it in one stroke, it looks very alpha atm.

    Id also go away from the condensed modern font, Overwatch kind of took that for them and they have larger marketshare and its a similar game, its their signature style.

    Gameplay looks good, proper feedback and everything looks well working, do you have any
    outgame progression so far? It is vital for long term interest and i would strongly recommend spending decent amount of time on it else players will inevitably vanish no matter the quality of the game.

    The big guy healing with beer is very cool too
  • spitty
    Offline / Send Message
    spitty polycounter lvl 18
    looks great will! i'll have to check it out this weekend. seems like people playing the game should be playing a real life drinking game at the same time :) take a chug of beer after every death or something :)
  • Will Harris
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks Eric! Yeah, I've noticed the drunker I get the better I am at the game. It gives super powers.

    Grimwolf / Bek : yep it's just a simple pun about Bier(beer) and Berserkers(the crazed viking warriors who would eat mushrooms before going into battle). We don't take ourselves too seriously so we wanted the title to reflect that.

    Shrike, Thanks for the feedback! Yeah our UI is pretty much ripped from Overwatch right now. We are a small team and we don't have a lot of resources, so we went with something we know works and that we know they spent a long time and a lot of money focus testing. So we figured starting with that wouldn't be a bad starting point :) We'll add our own touch once we can dedicate one of the artists to doing a real pass, but they are swamped getting in other content for Early Access atm. Progression exists in a simple form and we are working on long term progression right now (where you can customize your gear and hats and whatnot).

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