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stylized female character

polycounter lvl 9
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razz polycounter lvl 9
Hi people!

This time I took someone else's design, because I found it works better for me. And no realism, stylized stuff is just more fun! I'm mainly doing this piece for a texture practice, but I want a nice model too, not skipping any steps.

Comments, critique, overpaints, everything's very much welcomed ;]



  • Tectonic
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    Tectonic polycounter lvl 10
    she's looking great so far. her arms seem a little thin though compared to the concept. keep at it!
  • AsaNYC
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    AsaNYC polycounter lvl 14
    Her skull and the mask are broader in the concept.
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    cool man, however, your proportions are way different than the concept. The concept has a bigger head, shorter higher torso, thicker arms and legs. Her chest also sits a lot higher in the concept as well. It almost looks like you used a real human base mesh and tried to go stylized with it. There is nothing wrong with doing that if you did, just bear in mind these proportions are far from normal which is the main draw of course. Keep going tho man its looking cool so far.
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Tectonic, thanks! Well spotted!

    AsaNYC, face is probably the hardest part to match and achieve likeness from a single drawing. I'll try! Thanks a bunch ;]

    BradMyers82, it does seem proportions were the big thing to fix all over. I went at it, thanks for the feedback, much appreciated.

    I went over everything, will be doing that once again for a clean up pass, while also adding some details where necessary.

  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, what's a good workflow for texturing in Mudbox?

    I was thinking of doing a low res game version of this, but I'll go for something higher res that could be used for, say, a short film, instead.
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Ok, I'm ready for texturing. This is just quick flat polypaint as base color.

  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Alright, it's been a while! Lots have been happening; I moved to Berlin for my internship at Magic Light Pictures and it's been fantastic working on the awesome project so far! I've been putting time into this and some other artsy stuff in my free-time, so here's an update.

    C&C most welcome ;]

  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    So, I'm in the process of posing the model, then I just need to make some ground for her to stand on, render it out and done!

    For now, here's something. I just tried out Kurt Papstein's zbrush material that I got.

  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Really cool subject.

    Personally, I prefer the bulky forms found in the concept and think your model is missing this blistered quality. Comparing the sneaker silhouettes is a great example. I think trying to capture that effect in your model would give it a greater likeness to the concept.

    I think you should continue the curve of her boob from nipple-line to rib, I don't think making it a flat plane looks very pleasing. It's hard to say from the concept, noting her arm covers that part in the drawing.

    I don't think your interpretation of the belly cloth works very well. I liked the chunky twisting forms from the concept. It's tough to make sense of. I think I would try to find a resolution that keeps the visual language there. It looks sort of like large folds of cloth tied in a lose netting pattern. I would make it attached to her underwear and continue it around her back as well. Sort of like those swimming suits with a cloth net layer stitched over-top it.

    Regardless, very nice execution of the concept, nice work.
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks a lot, Killnpc! I see what you mean. Those are some of the many things I have learned while making this. I did tweak it to your feedback, kept the belly cloth though, because my reason for it was to make it simpler than the concept. I always end up making things complicated and detailed, and here I wanted to fight it, so simpler model and textures was the way to go. I know it beats the purpose of following someone else's design, though. Lesson learned. For future reference, how would you go about fixing the mesh once you already have the textures done? Wouldn't too much manipulation require to go through the whole process again?
    Again, thank you for stopping by. I appreciate the feedback.

    Here's what I will call a finished piece.

  • JordanLeigh
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    JordanLeigh polycounter lvl 9
    Render looks sweet!! Her legs look really wide apart and very long in comparison with her torso. Really liking the presentation and texturing though! Looks clean and very nice
  • killnpc
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    killnpc polycounter
    Man, she really turned out great, razz. You did the concept justice. Nice work!
    razz wrote: »
    For future reference, how would you go about fixing the mesh once you already have the textures done? Wouldn't too much manipulation require to go through the whole process again?

    From my personal experience, it's safe to expect these types of change requests from time to time, even with a live asset. Keeping your composure will only benefit you.

    What you'd have to do is roll up your sleeves and try and mitigate as much impact as possible with each adjustment.

    In this case, you'd re-sculpt the requested areas, create the low poly mesh, fit the UVs to the empty space the old UVs occupied, rebake your maps and drop them into the PSD.

    Thinking ahead, developing and utilizing non-destructive workflows in every phase will allow this type of flexibility while you work.
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Hey, Jordan! I'm glad you liked it ;] I was aware of the wide legs, but I kept it for stylistic purposes. I know, I know "it's not incorrect, it's stylized", but if you check the concept, the proportions are quite unusual. I still think I didn't go far enough with it. It's hard to find that balance of very stylized but still correct looking, I'll watch for that more next time. Thank you for the feedback and kind words!

    Killnpc, so pretty much what I was afraid of, haha. I'll see what I can do to improve my pipeline, I tend to get real messy when working on personal projects. Thank you for taking the time to share the knowledge. It's an environment for me next ;]

    HERE's a link to my Artstation, where you can check this one out in marmoset viewer!
  • JordanLeigh
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    JordanLeigh polycounter lvl 9
    Yeah my bad, didn't see the concept. In that case it matches it pretty well, great work mate!
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    No problem at all. If it didn't look as if it was supposed to be like that, then something is off. Lessons learned ;]
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Great finish man, congrats! :)
  • razz
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    razz polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks, BradMyers!
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