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polycounter lvl 5
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Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
Hi everyone !

It's been a long time since my last alleyway on udk3, so I have decided to retake the entire alleyway on UE4. This project is still a wip.

I will update this thread as often as I can to show you the progress.

As you will mention on the pictures, I've a seams problem. I pushed the light map resolution to 64. And i've a second uv channel. I also tried to push the static lighting level scale to 1 to 0.3 but nothing seem to fix my issue. I will really appreciate from your help (=

Any advice or techniques are welcome !



  • Cay
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    Cay polycounter lvl 5
    hm.. *looks around* sry I can't spot your seam.. (could be because it's currently 4 in the morning and I should be sleeping though)
    what's the exact problem and where does it happen?
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    64 is still a very low light map resolution, especially for larger objects. A 64 light map would only be good for simple and small things like those lanterns or the small items on the bar. 128-512 is fine for larger and more complicated assets.
  • fab-camp
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    fab-camp polycounter lvl 6
    cant spot your seam problem either.
    well your lightmaps seam a bbit blurry and smuddged in some areas. but I guess if you put textured materials on it will look fine. especially for a more noise scene with a -I suppose- more dirty look.
    but as ZacD said you might crank up your resolution. maybe only for final presentation. so you can keep iterating faster with smaller lightmaps

    now I saw our seams on the counter. You got these seams in your UV-map ? Would you mind posting your second uv-channel for the counter?
  • NomadSoul2501
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    NomadSoul2501 polycounter lvl 10
    What ZacD said.
    In a perfect world you would load a texture the size of your final light map into your UVing package and pixel snap your UVs to ensure all verts and edges fall onto one specific pixel...
    But since that's unrealistic, I tend to (in Maya) let it auto-layout onto a specific resolution so that there's enough room for seams to bleed. The resolution is always 1 lower than the one I plan to bake at, so i'll do 128 if I plan for a 256 lightmap.
    This isn't an exact science but it has work out well for me so far :)

    Hope this helps.

  • Bart Spellson
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    Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
    Hello Guys !
    Thank you all for taking the time to help me.

    So I tried to crank up the light map as ZacD said, 64 to 128-512 even 1024 nothing changed. But thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind (=

    The only solution I found for now is to make one big mesh of the road and the counter. The road is at 1024 and the counter at 128.

    Keeping you update of the progress soon.


  • Amaury
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    Amaury polycounter lvl 7
    It's coming along nicely, keep it up !
  • Bart Spellson
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    Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
    Hello guys ! here a work in progress of my work.

    Any comments and critiques are welcome. (=

  • martygalinskas3d
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    martygalinskas3d polycounter lvl 4
    coming along very nicely!!! i'm assuming you will dirty up later because right now it looks really really clean. also those A/C things on the wall in the first picture, they seem a little too repetitive, there might be a few too many there.

    also the wood texture (i'm guessing it's wood) on the stairs inside the bar seems to be facing the wrong way. the long beams would have the grain of the wood going along the length of it.

    just small things for now since it's in its early stages.
  • 3DKyle
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    3DKyle interpolator
    If you happen to try go back to the old way of how you was doing your road with the 2x2 squares and having the lightmap like your old UV set. Inside of UE4 try rendering your scene in production (it might take some time to render but will be worth it to check) and if you go to world settings and Lightmass settings, change indirect lighting quality to something like 2 and change indirect lighting smoothness to something like 0.6. Render scene out and it might fix your issue.
  • redvanda
    This is coming on really nicely! I love the warmth that is being emitted from the lanterns.
    The critique I would give you is that the colours look a bit flat and dull. It would be nice to see more to make it really stand out. Even it if it is a street at the back, there would still be more life and character to it :)
  • Bart Spellson
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    Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
    Hello, It's been a while, I've been busy with the allegorithmic's contest and school projects, but here a little update of the street.

    Marty : yes, I will dirty up later. On the next update, I will take off some of the A/C. I fixed the wood texture also.

    3DKyle : I will make a try, thanks for your advices !

    Redvanda : Thanks, I will add more life and details sure, but about character that's not something I master at all. And I'm only showing environment here because it's what I love to do, ahah (=

    C&C are Welcome !
  • Bart Spellson
  • Bart Spellson
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    Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
    Hello guys.
    It's been a while and I'm basically done with it.
    Some few details to polish I guess, well let me know (=

  • Papigiulio
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    Papigiulio polycounter lvl 5
    There is a lot of potential here but in my opinion lacks a lot of details, atmosphere and some of the scaling/dimensions are way off.

    A couple of crits from someone who actually lives in Japan:

    1. The aircons on the wall in the back (3rd Image) . Their size looks a bit weird. Usually those aircons look like this:

    2. The road looks to straight, a bit more unevenness, which in turn would result to more puddles of water would look much better.

    3. The branches....they make no sense, I have never seen them here in alleys. I understand you are aiming for a Japanese look. (hence the maple leafs) Here is a sample of a typical Japanese street in Tokyo. Perhaps a wire here and there and lots of neon signs and LOW foliage would be better.

    4. on the first image it looks like your bottle and crate are sunken inside the floor.

    Actually I have a lot more, but in your post you indicate that you are almost done except for a few polishups. Anyway like I said, it could have great potential if you improve these points.
  • DanielR17
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    DanielR17 polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with Papigiulio. Lot of potential. But in short, it's too clean. Too straight. Lots of hard edges.
    If you want to keep the foliage, the leaves seem too saturated right now.
    You just need more variety, more imperfections.
    You should gently sculpt some assets.
  • amirabd2130
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    amirabd2130 polycounter lvl 7
    Good job so far.
    This could be a really great scene.

    Few suggestions:
    • Add weathering
    • A lot of signs & lamps :)
    • More bicycles (at least two)
    • A lot of decals
    • And for the lighting, I think there should be some really dark areas.
    here are a few images to help you out:



  • Bart Spellson
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    Bart Spellson polycounter lvl 5
    Hello guys.

    Thank you for all of your advices.

    Papiguillo : The first link you gave to me doesn't work, can you please give me another one that I can see exactly how looks the aircons. thank u =)
    Then I agree it's lacking of details since you all are telling me this now I realize that I need to put more of my spare time into it. About the branches it's coming from some references I got on the internet. Like this exemple : http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmattfife.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2FmattTheme%2Fheaderimgs%2F2014%2F01%2FIMG_8501s.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmattfife.com%2F%3Fp%3D1708&h=1024&w=1536&tbnid=5hYRb2EsBW-SOM%3A&zoom=1&docid=sKPVklQEztj-7M&ei=GWedVYDWJ8v3UqOuhIgO&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=397&page=1&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=0CGgQrQMwFg

    Look on the top there are those plastic branches... so should I keep it or ?

    DanielR17 : Agree also, I'll put more details. Then certainly add more variety and more imperfections. I definitely agree.

    Amirabd2130 : Yes, I was thinking of adding some rain like a gentle one into the scene ahah. Then yes more details oh gosh :p Good idea about the dark areas. Maybe just some subtle dark areas in the back of the street. =)

    Thanks again to all of you, I will work on it as soon as possible and post the update. Finally I'm not really done with it >.<
  • Papigiulio
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    Papigiulio polycounter lvl 5
    Hello guys.

    Thank you for all of your advices.

    Papiguillo : The first link you gave to me doesn't work, can you please give me another one that I can see exactly how looks the aircons. thank u =)
    Then I agree it's lacking of details since you all are telling me this now I realize that I need to put more of my spare time into it. About the branches it's coming from some references I got on the internet. Like this exemple : http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmattfife.com%2Fwp-content%2Fthemes%2FmattTheme%2Fheaderimgs%2F2014%2F01%2FIMG_8501s.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmattfife.com%2F%3Fp%3D1708&h=1024&w=1536&tbnid=5hYRb2EsBW-SOM%3A&zoom=1&docid=sKPVklQEztj-7M&ei=GWedVYDWJ8v3UqOuhIgO&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=397&page=1&start=0&ndsp=48&ved=0CGgQrQMwFg

    Look on the top there are those plastic branches... so should I keep it or ?

    Thats odd, it works for me.


    AAaaaaah now I understand where you got it from. Yes yes, that is probably plastic autumn decoration. Okay, okay got it.

    Well, it looks off in your image, perhaps due to the fact that people cant differentiate between real or decoration. so I personally would lose it for now, can always add it later if needed.

    Another comment I have is that your scene is pretty wide and open. As you can see from the sample pictures, these street are quite narrow and everything packed together. Plus it needs a lot more small stuff, signs, etc.

    Good luck :)
  • DanielR17
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    DanielR17 polycounter lvl 7
    I kind of like those branches and leaves :)
    You could just tweak some details (better integration) and change the lighting/colors on them. It should not draw the attention.
    Have fun with the next steps!
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