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Sketchbook: Crazyb2000

polycounter lvl 6
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Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
Hello, Polycount. This is my sketchbook, all criticisms and suggestions are more than welcome.

I had a lengthly intro followed by some outdated work before I decided to press the "edit" button. This sketchbooks been around for a little bit but I feel that now's as good a time as any to start using it as a sketchbook. That is once I finish sorting through my folders. All sketches and pieces of WIP portfolio work I create I will be posting in here.

Thank you for reading.

Work coming soon.


  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Here's some "manly face" and rough skin detail practice.


    Didn't really work on presentation, sorry.
  • shockwave88
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    looks dope dude
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Been working on a female base mesh to use later on down the line. I haven't started on the hands properly yet. I'll also add a head later, once I've finished with the body.

    If you happen to see any glaring problems besides the lack of decent hands and a head, feel free to tell me.

    Oh and err... nudity?

  • Yedp
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    Yedp polycounter lvl 7
    Hey, your work is awesome, you are way better than me at anatomy so I can't really critic your work. The only thing that is bugging me right now is the shoulder blades which seem a little too defined imo, your character is at rest so I think they should be less "contracted".
    I really dunno though to me it already looks awesome! Can't wait to see the final model !
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, Yedp. I will be smoothing out the lines around the shoulder blade. The lines seem to dig in at the moment opposed to defining the fact that the shoulder blades are only slightly pushing out.

    Also I found this quick sculpt on my photobucket:


    Martian from Mars attacks, "Ack ack". I switched to Imgur about a month ago and was looking through my photobucket as that houses all my old work. Or all my old work that I shared anyway. I might link more stuff but primarily I want to use this thread for my newer works.
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Did this in a few hours for fun.

  • Yedp
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    Yedp polycounter lvl 7
    Your martian sculpt really looks like the one from the movie, maybe even more creep, I love it :D
    Nice sculpt for the man, can't wait to see more from you!
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    An early WIP of a character from a project I'm a part of. Just wanted to post something.

  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    a stylized sketch of a girl I did to start the day. I started creating a body and didn't finish it and again, sorry for the presentation. I didn't use BPR because for some reason it kept messing up so I just took a couple of pictures from the viewport.

  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Alright, been a little bit since I posted and I'm here with some recent practice I've done in ZBrush.

    I did some anatomy practice on both a somewhat muscular female and male. I still have a bit to go to fully understand the forms but I reckon I'm getting there... slowly.


    And here's a likeness test I did to get better at making detailed faces. This is my version of Michael from GTAV. I tried to be more subtle in my sculpting detail unlike before where I was rather bold. I didn't really pay much mind to the hair as I was purely focused on the face and its detail.


    I also used the head to practice poly-painting skin which I have not yet properly tried. It was always something where I'd try it and thought "this isn't working" because I expected it to blend as if it were in photoshop or some such. However, looking at a few tutorials and videos, notably Gavin Goulden's outsider workflow videos, I tried it and I was very pleased with the results. I then tried to make a nice looking render using a 3DSMAX.


    Thanks for reading.
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    I made a new avatar for myself! I made a model of a young girl the other day and decided to touch her up and use her as my avatar. The inspiration came from one of my older avatars that I used on skype ^^

    The hair was touched up in photoshop because sometimes, just sometimes, hair and the very idea of it hates me. So yeah, that part of her looks rather off. But hey, this is a sketchbook. It's a place for things to get posted. I used BPR render. If I spent the time to actually reto her and put her into cryengine or marmoset I'm sure it'd look alot better.


    In case you were wondering, yes she is a demonic vampire girl.
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6
    Wow, sure has been a while since I've posted here. Here's some stuff I've worked on since last posting on here. These are in no particular order and these are only the things I already have uploaded onto my imgur account, there's a lot more on my HDD... I mean a lot:









    Some of these aren't sketches as much as they are final bits and bobs. Two of the models in this list have been released to the public to use in a program called Source Filmmaker. They're near the top of the workshop.

    Most of the work I've been doing lately has been for rather large scale projects and team efforts that I promised I wouldn't show stuff off from until given the go ahead.

    ...I'm really bad at keeping up to date with these kinds of things.
  • Crazyb2000
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    Crazyb2000 polycounter lvl 6

    Not that great with Fibermesh but still had fun with this little image.
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