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Hand Painted - Abandoned Log Cabin

polycounter lvl 2
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Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
Hey guys, I have been working on this old log cabin for a little while and decided it was time for some feedback!

I have gone through multiple texture reworks to get to where I am now!

I would love to know what you really disagree with what you feel like I could change before I put it into an environment!

Thanks again


Here is the reference I loosely based the design off!



  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    teh concept has far mroe curves than your sculpt
    and it misses some parts like the planks on the roof

    also your roof tile is far smaller than the original and the proportions
    of the top beams are off

    i would try to nail that and then add more depth to the textures and get the
    colors right before putting it into envi :)

    why did you just loosely follow the original design which is quite strong?
  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks for the response!

    I didn't like the planks of wood on the top of the roof, felt they looked out of place and didn't really serve a purpose.

    I also chose to go with shingles for the roof compared to the wooden planks, I wanted to sort of add my own creativity to the design?

    I do agree with the lack of curvature I think I will try to add more curves before the env, I was trying to watch my poly count :P

    And the colour now that I have had some time to examine the colour I think I could saturate the whole thing since it doesnt have a very old rotting feel!
  • Uberren
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    Uberren polycounter lvl 11
    I would honestly just try and recreate the concept as closely as possible, because your attempt at it is far less interesting.

    Also, you do NOT want to saturate your already pretty saturated colours even more if you want to achieve a more rotted look. Your concept already has some carefully chosen colours on it, why not make yours as close as possible to those instead of trying your own?

    Basically, just try and recreate the concept. No "loosely based off of" stuff, because it just sounds like an excuse.
  • skodone
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    skodone polycounter lvl 2
    i second uberren :)
  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    Okay guys, thanks for feedback, I will work on the colours to fit the concept art, aswell as add the planks on the top of the roof.
  • Deathstick
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    Deathstick polycounter lvl 7
    You also might want to consider adding in a lot more geometry to the building if you're working on this as a portfolio piece versus mobile piece.

    IE the wooden logs could be composed of 6-8 sided cylinders split in half (if there's no interior) in forming the exterior of the walls. As of now the blank/dead space in the texture where the wooden logs would supposedly not be covering doesn't help sell the piece. There's little to no spacing in the logs in the concept besides the logs being different sized segments that are warping.

    Part of the pleasing element to the concept too, is that the base walls themselves appear to be actually tapering outwards the higher they go in a stack, versus being a straight wall.

    The chimney itself also is tapering out the higher that it goes, with no actual bulges in the middle besides a couple of tiny breaks in the shiloutte from the differently sized bricks. Basically I'd keep the taper in your chimney, but get rid of the bulge in the center as it's kind of fighting how the rest of the building is stylized in the concept. The tapering is also subtle, yet noticeable in the concept on things like the doorway, windows, etc. although I do think you were successful in how you handled the window, just introduce more of that playfulness of the edges into the rest of the model and it should look much better.

    Keep it up!
  • Earthyn
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    Earthyn polycounter lvl 2
    Deathstick, that is some solid advice! I will get on those improvements, I think one thing I need to work on is finding the eye catching parts of an image that sells itself!
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