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CC on pyromage from the concept bank thread


Hello people, I'm new to polycount and I'm really trying to get into the 3d modeling world and would appreciate some criticism. I liked the pyromage concept from
Nina Ik


  • Erink9
    Offline / Send Message
    Erink9 polycounter lvl 5
    Looking awesome! Stuff still looks mushy, define the clothing and careful the horns don't get so sharp. Keep going!
  • DavidCruz
    Offline / Send Message
    DavidCruz interpolator
    Get a tablet best invention ever, or the cintiq if you hot the money for it.
    pretty good for no tablet.
    Just slope the boobs from the clavicle it is just a touch high.
  • billakosama
    Offline / Send Message
    Thanks, I wasn't paying attention to the horns.

    I hope I can buy one soon but atm I'm broke, so I'm stuck with the mouse :/
    Did some small changes in the chest area. Is that what you meant?

    here's the current state. This cape is killing me...

  • markvalor
    Offline / Send Message
    markvalor polycounter lvl 6
    Awesome work! I would suggest you start breaking the symmetry for the cloak especially on the shoulder part. It gives a more convincing feel.
  • billakosama
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    @markvalor Thanks, I'm trying my best... yeah this cloak is serious business, I'll try and break the symmetry but first I need to figure out how to model some convincing folds and wrinkles.

    I got to work some more on this. Refined the boots and gloves, worked on the face, added some small details here and there.

    And now I'm dealing with this nightmare! The cape!
    I only worked on the left side so it's still somewhat symmetrical but my primary concern is that it looks too fake.
    I really need some tips on how to model over the top cloth like this :/

    Plz let me know what you think, what I can improve beyond the cape before I retopo and texture. And go hard on me. Treat me like my boss :P

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