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Beast's Room [UE4]

I've been wanting to do a slightly more stylized environment than I normally do and practice with a hand-painted style, so I started making this scene, Beast's Room (inspired from Beauty and the Beast). I'm making the environment my own, but still using some general elements like mood and some architecture concepts from the Disney film. Here are my first WIP shots rendered in UE4.

Haven't UV'd or textured the models yet, but did a first-pass on the lighting.




I still want to add open double-doors leading to a balcony on the far wall behind the rose table where the big marble panel is. Gonna start figuring out how stylized I want my painted textures to be, and after that may have to adjust some shapes and proportions on my models to make them feel more cartoony, if the texturing calls for it. I've been pretty excited for this environment, I love Beauty and the Beast 8D

Comments and critique much appreciated! :)


  • mollsie
    New update on the environment, I have most of the texturing done. Some of it is still first-pass textures, but the overall look will stay the same. I'm going to fix up the wallpaper, paint more ornamental details into the wood of the bed, dresser, and couches, as well as the edge of the marble table. Besides that, some fixes here and there and it's done!

    Also I noticed the glass shader is refracting too much, for some reason only in the screenshots it shows up really warped and doubles whatever is behind it.




    Wood floor-board texture
  • Benjamin Marino
    I think it's a really cool piece. Marble texture seems a bit over used to me.
  • mollsie
    Thanks! I'll experiment with the distribution of the marble. I was mainly using it to break up the patterned wallpaper, so I'll see what else I can do to use less of it :)
  • mollsie
    I'm probably about 85% done now? I keep finding new stuff I wanna add or change, haha. My next tasks are to make the mirror broken, paint a skybox with stars and trees, add a couple more small models, and fix a few of the textures (like the bed frame and stone table). Also, for some reason shadows aren't really showing up much under things, so I have to figure that out...





    Comments and critique are much appreciated!
  • Kid.in.the.Dark
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    Kid.in.the.Dark polycounter lvl 6
    Damn, great idea... I had thought of doing this a few months back xD... never got around to it :( darn it... you snooze you lose xD... great work so far though, right now I dont have many comments... besides the carpet looking a bit too bumpy like the patterns are extruding out... the normal map is probably just a tad too strong? and the magic hand mirror that beast uses is actually a crystal bluish? but depends on what you want :)

    Keep going, subbed n_n
  • mollsie
    Awww you can still do your own variation or any other part of Beast's castle, it's huge! :) And thank you so much for the crits, I'll fix the carpet normals and see how the mirror looks in silver. I totally forgot it was silver actually, haha. Thank you!
  • Lukitscherie
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    Lukitscherie polycounter lvl 8
    Really nice, I love that floor texture.

    The walls seem a little barren to me, but you've already put a lot of things on it so I can't put my finger on what's giving me that impression.

    Do you have ideas for a skybox?
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    be careful with colour, the west wing is (in stark contrast to the rest of the castle) dreary, grey, bleak. it's designed to be a sort of reflection of the beasts own internal suffering. with the only colour left being his hope (the rose).

    It's also supposed to be truly ransacked and neglected, the beast being prone to rage fits and such.

    also, i found listening to this on loop helped get me in the mood for Beauty and the Beast while doing some disney work:
  • mollsie
    LukitscherieThank you! I know what you mean about the walls being barren, I've felt that way too. I think it's partially because the room is just a rectangle and doesn't really have any inset walls, so I'm going back now and making an inset area with tall doors where the big marble panel is on the left side of the main wall. The skybox is going to be relatively the same colors that the outside has now, I just wanted more noticeable stars and a forest that it feels like we're overlooking :)

    almighty_gir Thank you for the reference! I didn't want to copy the Disney movie version exactly though, I was trying to make my own rendition that was less dreary and destroyed. But looking at the clip now, there are some interesting ideas I think would benefit the environment, so I think I will do another pass with more destruction. Thank you so much!
  • mollsie
    Finished the environment! Here are the final shots =D







    Thank you guys again for all your awesome critiques and comments, they helped a lot! :)
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    Looking good. Personally, I might try and make the rose be a bit more vibrant in color and give off a bit more light and glow.

    It could also do with a bit more destruction.
  • mollsie
    Hey Tobbo! I had the rose brighter at one point, but it felt like it was really overpowering, so I toned it down. The pink hazy magical mist around it can be brighter (as you can see from the side views) but because of the glass around the rose, the sorting priority for the hazy particle is weird and from the angles with the table behind it, it partially disappears. I might go back and see if I can fix that.

    As for the destruction, I had planned to keep it pretty minimal so I could think more about designing my own version of how his room originally looked like. In the movie it's completely destroyed, so I didn't want to just recreate that. I could add in some more ripped cloth and shattered pieces of stuff though! Thank you for the feedback!
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master

    The turnaround on this piece seems pretty quick, considering the content. There is a lot more you can do to really push this.

    As mentioned before, Beasts chamber is shrouded in mystery, there's a magical element to it, and there should be an overall sense of brooding darkness, a kind of struggle... Beast wants to keep out of the light, and wants to keep himself in misery.

    None of that really comes through here, unfortunately.

    The lighting in general comes across as very flat, there's no real atmosphere. Nothing really draws the eye either, there are really two focal points you could use (if you're going by the movie). The first is the rose, it really needs to contrast against EVERYTHING in the room and right now it's blending in too easily. The other is the ruined portrait of the prince.

    Watch the video i linked again, as soon as the camera moves to inside the room everything loses vibrancy, the saturation is muted, everything is dusty, grey and forgotten with anything colourful being ruined by clawmarks. Until Belle finds the princes portrait, which is saturated and rich by comparison (even though ruined) to everything else in the room. And then you see the glow from the rose, it's powerful enough that from across the room you can't see that it's a rose at all, there's just a pink haze against a backdrop of grey. It's only up close that you see what it truly is.

    All of these things are missing. And it's making the piece forgettable, unfortunately.
  • mollsie
    Thank you for the feedback almighty_gir! I understand where you're coming from, but I really wasn't trying to recreate the room from the movie, and I didn't want it to be nearly as depressing and destroyed. I'm not sure that adding more broken things will really enhance the environment at this point, because I never really intended it to be wrecked. You have some good points, but I think a lot of the elements that worked in the movie wouldn't really work for this environment 8\ For now I'm pretty happy with it, but I'll see if I can figure out ways to make it better and come back to it again in the future. Thank you again!
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