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Nameless Cat Girl

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TAN polycounter lvl 12

Bristol Easte Nottingham

Young and only daughter of a famous noble family in an England devastated by 3rd World War and suffering from internal strife, Bristol; simply unable to stand the strict lifestyle and fate her family imposed on her; runs away from home, coming to Neo Tokyo of 2046, seeking a free life. She starts to work as a waitress and poster girl in a busy restaurant and meets a kitten one day on a backstreet.


Thanks to everyone who helped this side thing started as a stress-dissolver turning into a result that I am happy with.

Thanks to all truely.

Changelog v 1.1:

- Leg warmers updated and now covers shoes accordingly.
- Leg warmers now has a better outline
- Leg warmers has a woolen texture.
- Skirt shortened and toned down a little.

What Remained Same:

- Hands and feet are still %30-40 smaller.
- Thighs are still %30 larger.








Some Crit. Implementations



Reference Sheet For Pose/Anatomy



- Breast shrunk by a smaller decree
- Feet are now looking inward
- Right arm straightened and grabbing the leg.
- Left wrist is relaxed and looking downward.
- Netted gloves redone.
- Shirt redone, More balanced stretches.
- Restructured/ implied rib and abdomen.
- Now has a name and backstory

What Remained Same:

- Hands and feet are still %40 smaller than they should be.
- Thighs are still %30 larger.
- Face waiting for detailing.
- Hairstyle


  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Should totally make her American 80s. That would look super funky and hilarious, if you dig it of course.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    American 80's ? Like the Bunny Girls in casinos in Texas ?

    How should I Google that ? Because if I think what it is I am totally digging in mate :D
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    I get this feeling you jumped on the 'posed sexy anime girl' ship too fast. By that I mean that you didn't put any effort into blocking her body. You just threw saggy boobs on her and posed her. Don't rush this stuff. I know you are doing it for fun but when you will be dissapointed by the final result it won't be fun :P At least that's my experience.

    So take a step back. Work on proportions, major planes of the body, anatomy.

    Also her pose is not balanced. She would fall flat on her face.

    Can't say more because there is not much work put in her yet. There won't be anything appealling about her if the proportions and form is not there.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Your call Tan. Admittedly, it's a wide range of styles. I was thinking more "Saved by the Bell" than 80's Playboy Bunnies.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    @ MrOneTwo

    Yeah exactly right :D I just jumped on that and exaggerated proportions. Look her belly is riducullusy small compared to her hips and shoulders/ breasts. Also scaled down/ sharpened her hands make it look.. well I don't know :D

    @ Brian

    Yeah I just googled that but couldn't dig otu much. Can you give me links on that "80's look" you are talking about ?
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Made a little progress. New face, better hands, a bit more detail on the body. Hair is next.

    Also decided on "Brian" version of clothing. Made a reference sheet. There will be a classic Anime Version.

    She is also my signature by the way :D





    Brian Version


    Anime Version

  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Gotta admit, this went better than I expected, possible thanks to good talk on Google Hangout :D

    Of course there is tons to be done for the hair, but things look brighter.




  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Upgraded the the hair a bit more, added a ribbon to the end, made lips more cat like and now she has a hair clip ! :D





    New role model :D

  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    I think you should really take a step back. Put her in a neutral standing pose and get her anatomy correct. Her pose is very awkward and unnatural and her proportions are off. Her facial anatomy could also use a lot of work. None of her facial features have proper anatomy. Even if you are going to use anime is a reference, I would still try to implement as much anatomically correct structure as you possibly can. Put her in T-pose and get the anatomy correct first. Just my opinion...
  • Alemja
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    Alemja hero character
    Interesting idea, but you really need to go through and readjust the pose, it's simply isn't possible. I'm not talking in the slight exaggerated kind of way but in the "uncomfortable and she's about to fall over" kind of way. The best way to see how this pose would work is to try it yourself, even if you're a dude it can give you a sense of how to keep the pose from being awkward. In order for a character to be balanced in a pose the shoulders and the ankles should line up, the exception is when a character is in motion. Also her hand that's reaching down is very odd, and breaks the flow of the pose and does not look natural.

    For further research on what makes pinups successful I recommend reading this blog (obviously NSFW) : http://babelab.blogspot.it/
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    @ slosh

    Thanks for the advice slosh.

    @ Alenja

    Thanks for the link In fact I had visited babelab in the past but turns out I forgot about it somehow :D Will check the link surely for future reference. Thanks :D
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Added crazy earrings, a hairband and netted hand gloves. She was supposed to have a shirt too but I screwed up ;)

    But man putting hairbands on this head with two ears on top like that is very hard.




  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    She finally has a shirt. Next is the skirt.




  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    You've put more effort into her gloves than in the whole character... and those gloves need work. Following slosh advice would be a good idea.
  • dmilligan277
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    dmilligan277 polycounter lvl 7
    Without trying to come across rude, you haven't seemed to act on anybody's advice here at all which is only going to be your own downfall.

    If this is solely a character made for complete fun then go nuts, but if you want to learn anything worthwhile at all then i highly suggest you listen to what people have told you.
  • dmilligan277
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    dmilligan277 polycounter lvl 7
    One more thing i just wanted to add, if you are aiming to get a job in the games industry then i suggest you do not work on pieces like this. I really can't imagine any professional industry people looking favourably on this type of subject matter.

    Again, i do not want to offend, i just want to make you aware of this in case it is what you are aiming for.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson hero character
    Yeah, to echo what some people are saying; if you don't want advice, say so. When people give advice, and you seem to ignore it, it gives a bad impression to everyone reading the thread.

    Also, for good reference for anime pin-up, check out the website konachan. As a warning, there's a fair amount of hentai-level art there, in between the pin-up and innocent art. You've been warned.

    It's worth sifting through though, since all the art there is super high resolution, and high quality, too.
  • Stranger
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    Stranger polycounter lvl 5
    Not going to lie man. thats super uncanny valley shit. its hard to translate anime to 3d. also those breast dude.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12

    No no don't worry mate, it doesn't sound rude at all. Compared to what I have heard about other things in the past in fact I consider this to be very considerate. Thank you. Really.

    I am reading and considering all advices and crits here seriously and even thank everyone one by one. I've written in the OP that that was just for fun giggles but but maybe my approach was wrong ?
    Should I write "No crits required" in the header or what should I do ? I don't want to sound offensive or cocky to people. I really care about their input but I thought it was obvious that this was gonna be "a crazy for fun" piece to everyone who would even look at it once. But it seems that this path fails. So what do you think ?

    About the job part, no I gave up on "going pro" with my modelling some time ago. So basically no as long as some crazy boss comes up with a crazy phrase like "Oh you are great and hired ! " I don't plan on keeping hope of getting a job. Of course which won't happen :D

    @ Joopson

    HELL YEAHS ! I love you ! :D

    @ Stranger

    Yep that is what I am aimnig for :D I am achieving it it seems :D

    On a side note. I find it hard to believe that people get surprised at crazy things as if people are not doing crazy things for fun in this forums.

    We had Penis Tanks for da love of Jesus ! :D
  • Noodle!
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    Noodle! polycounter lvl 8
    Yes, clearly state that you're not taking critique because "fun and giggles" to most people here does not mean you're not going to heed advice.

    Thanking someone for good input and then not changing anything is not a great thing to do. It's not that people don't like "crazy" things even if I personally don't see how a big titted anime girl falls under the same line of "crazy" as a penis tank.
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    I don't think anyone gives a rats about what 'for fun' pieces you do, content wise. Hell, people like Hazardous get showered with praise despite covering "crazy", "sexy" and "fun" themes in their work. Many, many other people do, too.

    People in here are pointing out the poor posture, the lack of understanding in anatomy, the "uncanny valley" effect you have from not quite nailing the anime look. Barely anyone has been like "ew gross" at the content. Most have instead pointed out very valid flaws in your approach.

    So don't try to brush people off with that "I can't believe this content is shocking you people!" crap. In terms of crit on your work instead of your attitude, even though they posted a while back, Slosh and Alemja have it. Their critiques are still 100% applicable.

    Also, putting "no crits" here will get you driven out with pitchforks and flamed to hell and back, never do it. Just don't post if you don't want people to open up discussion on your work (there are dozens of example threads where this happens, happened just the other week).
  • Stranger
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    Stranger polycounter lvl 5
    Noodle! wrote: »
    even if I personally don't see how a big titted anime girl falls under the same line of "crazy" as a penis tank.
    This, to be honest i dont care what you work on. but alot of people here are giving some solid advice. I would give you something but this falls under...something i don't have experience with
  • Stranger
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    Stranger polycounter lvl 5
    i may not have 30KG of tits, and or be male. but all i did was try to..do this pose? and heres something that might help. Eo0ok0e.png
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    So I have been watching rain drop while sipping tea for the last 2 hours(it is raining heavily here). I cleared my head because I wanted to make the decision that I won't regret later. I wanted to to write in a calm manner and be as polite as possible. Please read it with a calm voice in your head because that i exactly how I wrote it.

    Here's the decision I came to at the end and a couple of reasons with it.


    I really don't think I did anything rude or misleading or ignoring behavior to anyone.

    Sorry but after reading these in the first posts :
    MrOneTwo wrote: »
    I get this feeling you jumped on the 'posed sexy anime girl' ship too fast..

    TAN wrote: »
    @ MrOneTwo

    Yeah exactly right :D I just jumped on that and exaggerated proportions. Look her belly is riducullusy small compared to her hips and shoulders/ breasts. Also scaled down/ sharpened her hands make it look.. well I don't know :D

    you still come here and write " Your anatomy is really wrong. Fix it"

    you my friend are either not paying attention or don't really care what's going on.

    Brian "Panda" Choi , Stranger , Joopson , Alemja

    You all have my deepest respects and thanks since you really cared and gave me the feedback that would actually be used on this single piece. Thanks to all of you from the bottom of my heart.

    About the confusion that somewhat manifested itself : I tried to apologize people if I made things seem offensive but somehow (!) it turned into me brushing people's helping hand like a hot shot.
    slosh in the past (a year ago, maybe less) told me to scratch of a character that I worked 2-3 weeks on and start again, because anatomy was different from reference pic. And I did that.

    So incorrect assumption and I am tired of trying to fix it the kind way, since it seems to create more confusion.

    I am not trying to get anatomy here and fixture will be tried on different poses as per links
    Joopson ,and Alemja provided so toughtfully.

    About the feedback requirement disaster. Of course discuss on this thing I am doing. Offer alternatives, tell your preferences, give advice anything goes. This is a forum after all.

    But just like I stated if you just
    don't pay attention and simply skip along and tell me that it is really disturbing to not act on the advices people gave me of which long ago I replied with " I did it that way knowingly" sorry but, now that is the real disturbing thing my friend.

    I spent quite a bit just like I said in the begining with a terrible feeling in the chest, pondering with thought in my head " Did I really do such a terrible thing ? " because of that behavior. So it really caused some damage on other party's end.

    That is a really unthoughtful thing to do. Please don't do it again. To anyone.

    Now all said and done, I decided to keep doing this thing and even keep posting anything I do here just like before. I'll try to apply the advices and examples given by the names I counted after I finish skirt and skates (yes she will have skates ). And more like if it comes along. This post stays here if anymore oblivious posts comes along and I have to quote something fast to reply it fast.

    Goodluck and Godspeed mates.
  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    I think it went too personal too fast. I came here to offer you some critique. You can take it or leave it. I personally don't care. There are no strings attached to my crits.

    Why do I crit though ? Because I really know how it is to be in a position where you post and get no feedback. It sucks. Also I think that objectively, what you created here is not good looking. Don't take it personal. I'm not saying you are bad. I'm saying that you need to practice and improve. People here are trying to point you in the right direction to make it look better.

    You can do 'crazy and for fun' but it's just not good looking. You can't dictate what people find pleasing to the eye. When someone says 'fix your proportions' he is saying that what you have right now looks off.

    I also belive you haven't done anything rude. You can't insult me by not using my crits. You could improve by listening to people though. In the end it's your call (your loose or gain).

    I hope you won't take anything I said personal. I have no intention to make you feel bad. Keep on practicing. First steps are behind you. From here it will only get better.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Yeah, you are right. I PM'ed and talked to other people and they noticed me that maybe finishşng the whole thing and then simply posting the result beriefly as a fun work would be much understandable. Maybe that was the right way ?

    Well again sorry it got this far.
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Im not going to wade into the critique on this one much, as its a topic of some contention.

    Youve expressed some concern about the breasts. Without going into too much detail I would like to offer you two suggestions that I think will greatly improve the area.

    1: Merge them with the body and smooth the connecting area of the cleavage. The very visible dividing line is distracting makes the eye focus on that imperfection. A smooth transition for the cleavage will do wonders for the sex appeal ;p

    2: They are a bit too sphere-ized. Their widest point is somewhere near the middle which is unnatural. Real breasts when in that position are more teardrop shaped with their widest point being closer to the nipple

    Here are some NSFW examples that are worth looking at for form. (Seriously, Its so hard to find not NSFW anime boob examples. If linking to these is against the rules or something I apologize.)

    Cat Girl
    NSFW Catgirl (its worth noting a lot of critique youve received are applied in this image such as knees etc, I ONLY point this out so you can compare the effects it would have on your own piece)
    VERY NSFW regular girl

    Dont be afraid to re-work areas. Itll only make you fonder of your end result that you are making for yourself anyway.

    Good luck! Ill keep poking my nose in the thread to view your updates :D
  • KWAN
    Is she bending over because her back hurts?

    To add to the critiques, it would help if you pose in front of the mirror for reference. Look at your body to see how it interacts with gravity and observe the weight distribution.
  • RocketBryan
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    RocketBryan polycount sponsor
    Gonna go ahead and hop in here too.

    The real trick with critique is to just roll with the punches, even when it's bloody brutal. That being said...the brutal challenge here is the necessity of needing to re-trace your steps backward so you can continue forward along a stronger path. If you want to fix this piece as others have suggested, you're going to need to tear down hours of work to build up something more successful. That kind of conclusion sucks, it seems like a huge waste of time, but we all end up there and become better artists for it.

    If you write off the entire project as a "just for funsies" fluff piece and you abandon the goal of learning from the journey, then you can inadvertently end up like those "artists" on DeviantArt posting Poser or DAZ Studio silliness and calling it art. They learn nothing other than how to cater to their own whims.


    Go back to the basics of the project:
    • Re-adjust her into a T-pose
    • Strip off the outfit that's already not working
    • Get her anatomy looking right (you have to master it before stylizing)
    After all that is when you can start adding her outfit back in again, re-pose her into something appealing (leaving out that weird hand position), doing all the fun detail stuff that we all love doing. If you jump ahead (which is what other posters were actually implying), then you're basically attempting the equivalent of painter starting a portrait by painting an eye first before anything else. If you don't fix the fundamentals, it's difficult for us to give further feedback to correct something that's already off from the beginning. :poly131:
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Rocket Brian


    What is the meaning of fixing it after I broke it on purpose ?

    But if you have any stylisation guide or.... maybe some pinup guide or... maybe some anime guides please share. That is the stuff I am looking for.

    For example:



    There will be a cat on the other side something like this.



    Thanks. Just what I was lookin for :D
  • AtomicChikkin
    Biggest recommendation? Get good reference materials. Because you seem to know the "core" but it helps when you've got a giant plethora of reference to fall back on if something seems quirky.

    The current pose is stiff and feels forced - because the body doesn't function like that - rather, parts of the body will be tense, the spine will have steep curvature, others will be relaxed. If in doubt, get reference for similar poses or do a line sketch to figure out the skeletal anatomy.

    I recommend looking at those collectible figurines - to highlight how the flow of facial topology in manga-anime style goes. The current face reminds me of a gray alien - so looking at figurine photos would be one way to go.

    And for a lot of the mindless critiques? Give TAN proper critique and back it up with good reference or sources to reference, then the onus fall on his shoulders. As for people finding the material unprofessional? hahahahaha

    I'm okay with "the sexy anime girl pose," and its okay for people to do that. But the key is TAN has to take the valid criticism and apply it. Professionals be damned, because if you've got problems with obviously over-proportioned and unrealistic premise at the get go, get another job in the art world. Illustration doesn't mean representational artwork, and considering the nature of this piece "realism" holds another meaning. Ah, silly Illustrators.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    @ AtomicChikkin

    Steep curvature ! God damn it that is it.

    You are right. Give me some time to study on the anime figures It may take some time. And I'll prepare another reference sheet just for pose.

    Also thanks for the understanding mate. Now it is really up to me as you said ;)
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
    The only thing i want is for you to attach the poor girls boobs to her chest.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    LOL OK I'll :D

    I apologize from the Poor Nameless Catgirl for all the physical disturbance I caused her :D
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Bristol Easte Nottingham

    Young and only daughter of a famous noble family in an England devastated by 3rd World War and suffering from internal strife, Bristol; simply unable to stand the strict lifestyle and fate her family imposed on her; runs away from home, coming to Neo Tokyo of 2046, seeking a free life. She starts to work as a waitress and poster girl in a busy restaurant and meets a kitten one day on a backstreet.








    Some Crit. Implementations



    Reference Sheet For Pose/Anatomy



    - Breast shrunk by a smaller decree
    - Feet are now looking inward
    - Right arm straightened and grabbing the leg.
    - Left wrist is relaxed and looking downward.
    - Netted gloves redone.
    - Shirt redone, More balanced stretches.
    - Restructured/ implied rib and abdomen.
    - Now has a name and backstory

    What Remained Same:

    - Hands and feet are still %40 smaller than they should be.
    - Thighs are still %30 larger.
    - Face waiting for detailing.
    - Hairstyle
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I think this is what you refuse to understand.


    This guys is doing thing 50x time more outrageous than what you're doing, have you realize no one is trashtalking about it ? While people here are ? Wanna understand why ? Because even if he's doing character with GIGANTIC boobs, his anatomy skill are great, he's not doing weird twisting pose either.

    Also this is very personal but, How the **** did you pick her clothes ? You wrote a story about her being from a rich noble family of England, now living in japan in the FUTURE, but she's dress like a 13years old teen going to her first 80' disco. Netted gloves are a big no-no in fashion, only pre-teen trying to find a look wear them, mostly emokids or kids going to a 80's party.

    Her skirt just doesn't work, look references, you need a really uncomfortable fabric to make it stand like that without nothing ( like sakura card captor and her raincoat skirt) or a petticoat which no one wear with a mini skirt because it is going to show your ass even when just standing.

    In order for a skirt to stand by itself you need a really really big puffy petticoat Some Japanese street fashion wear petticoat just like that, but they are not pleated like you did they look like that

    Also leg warmers doesn't work like that. It's really rare that you don't cover the top of the shoe with leg warmer, in fact only aerobic girl in the 70' wear them like that, else as a fashion accessory it look like that

    And if you want the japanese style one, they aren't legg warmer they are LOOSE socks, they ENTER the shoes and look like that

    Also Hairs, Except if they are tied in a miko style and we can't saw them, long hair fall in your face while being like that.

    Also those are fox ears, Nekomimi are a bit lower on the head and less pointy, they don't have fur in them either.

    This entire thread isn't an issue of big boobs or not, it's an issue of you refusing to used and search for good reference while hiding behind the " I break it on purpose"

    She would look so much better if you just put her in a maid outfit or and outfit pick from a picture.

    Edit: I didn't see your 80' ref i'm sorry. However i still stand on the fact it just doesn't work with her story.
  • Odow
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    Odow polycounter lvl 8
    I did a fast paintover.

    Feet and hand are way too small and arms/shoulders are too thins.

    Apart that, Lower ears for the cat like I said, else it looks like fox ears, also i think giving her a fluffy tail and ear would gave her the "pedigree" of a noble cat ( since she's a noble, give her noble cat attributes)

    don't forget the purpose of a tail is to keep balanced, so no one would put something on the tip of it, put it on the ass.

    I think a cat necklace with a bow and a small bell would be a cute accessory that remember the cat also it amplify the cleavage. No clingy earings or net glove, you could gave her a pretty bracelet that could be a gift from her mother or something like that.

    Cute leg warmer and smaller pleated mini skirt with lace. and hair that fall down.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    @ Odow Thanks for the detailed critc . I'll start going over your paintover tomorrow morning. I'll certainly follow your advice on leg warmer and skirt. I'll try to adjust the ears. "But ear fluff" seems to be OK according to some artists. Here :



    Hair is tied on the back with a ribbon. Maybe not possible to see in that form ? But certainly yours look lovely too.

    Yes you are right about the hands/feet being too small, thighs being too large, like I mention under "What Remained The Same" In the last update post

    @ Nerf Bat Ninja Sorry for the brain damage. :D Will change it.
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    I love catgirls but your proportions are way off! here is what I think you should do:

    - head larger
    - breast ... maybe not smaller but more pushed up
    - shorter tail
    - arms wider and slightly longer
    - curve shape for the spine and hair
    - socks that dont alter the shape of the legs
    - catears more forward and shorter
    - slightly thicker and longer fingers
    - make the legs build a curve shape
    - put some kitty bait in the hand bend the fingers a little to make it look like she is actually holding it ^^
    - less THICK looking skirt
    - smooth out the lower lip in the corners
    - less forehead visible (move hair down a bit)

  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks to everyone who helped this side thing started as a stress-dissolver turning into a result that I am happy with.

    Thanks to all truely.

    Changelog v 1.1:

    - Leg warmers updated and now covers shoes accordingly.
    - Leg warmers now has a better outline
    - Leg warmers has a woolen texture.
    - Skirt shortened and toned down a little.

    What Remained Same:

    - Hands and feet are still %30-40 smaller.
    - Thighs are still %30 larger.







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