I hear ya on the Witcher videos. The grass and rocks look very nice. The tiling isn't noticeable at a first glance or even a second glance and the colors look natural. I'm really fond of the horse tracks but the second texture feels way to desaturated even for worn down trampled dirt. You could afford to add some more color interaction even though your are leaning to the left of the saturation slider but that critique is based on my personal preferences.
I'll add more cart wheel tracks and vary them a bit. Thinking of cutting them into the main terrain geometry instead of floating strips once I've added some more and I'm happy with their positions. Could help to give them actual depth.
Seems like the finer details in my normal maps show up far better in Marmoset than in UE4, but someone at work suggested that I see what it looks like when deferring compression.
Plus it could be partly due to the tiling set too low in UE - I'll get better perspective if I get a barrel or something in the scene perhaps.
Gave the mud a bit more saturation, the puddles are a bit lighter, and I'm masking the planes of wheel tracks on the 3rd UV Channel with a 1024 texture:
Next thing on the list is to get the planks of wood sculpted and also vertex paint some caked-on mud around the edges and corners Plus I think I could stand to increase the tiling of the ground textures a little.
The tire tracks are looking MUCH more natural now I like it a lot. One thing I was curious about is the sticks/dead grass that are on the round here. Do they have normals or a height map or anything on them other than a diffuse? They look pretty flat, just like a picture got placed on top.
And the straw does have its own contribution in the normal map, but the finer details are showing up better in Marmo than in UE4 the rough mud normal details around the imprints aren't really visible in UE either
Ahh gotcha. UE4 >.< lol I like the shingles. I would maybe add some slight color variation to them as well? I see a few are darker than the others but they are all still relatively similar.
Little foliage and stuff update after playing about 8 hours of the Witcher 3
(ignore the straight rows of identical grass in the middle ground - it's time consuming to place them all properly, so for now they're just kinda.. there)
Novigrad is a goldmine of reference, and so damn cool. Also I'm going to redo the roof in a way that's easier to manage, I think. So I can work in more colour variation.
I really like it so far! Minor critique, the hoof prints feel a little too small right now, compared to the foliage and planks. I'd say they should be close to (maybe a little less than) twice their current size.
I'll add more cart wheel tracks and vary them a bit. Thinking of cutting them into the main terrain geometry instead of floating strips once I've added some more and I'm happy with their positions. Could help to give them actual depth.
Seems like the finer details in my normal maps show up far better in Marmoset than in UE4, but someone at work suggested that I see what it looks like when deferring compression.
Plus it could be partly due to the tiling set too low in UE - I'll get better perspective if I get a barrel or something in the scene perhaps.
Next thing on the list is to get the planks of wood sculpted and also vertex paint some caked-on mud around the edges and corners
The simple process here
(ignore the straight rows of identical grass in the middle ground - it's time consuming to place them all properly, so for now they're just kinda.. there)
Novigrad is a goldmine of reference, and so damn cool. Also I'm going to redo the roof in a way that's easier to manage, I think. So I can work in more colour variation.