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New Character WIP- Proportion help please

Hi everyone. I'm starting a new character based on this cool concept because its been awhile since I have done one. I have just made the base mesh to sculpt on and I am trying to first get all the proportions correct. I have looked up info online and tried to match the best I could but i would really appreciate some input. Any critiques on form and proportion, real life and based on the concept, would be great. I haven't started sculpting anything yet. Thanks a lot!





  • Texelion
    Offline / Send Message
    Texelion polycounter lvl 8
    Put a model sheet of a woman as background, it'll be easier. Try to choose one that has a body like the character you want to do.

    Because currently you're kinda getting nowhere with this ^^. Head isn't good, neck isn't good, shoulders aren't good, breasts aren't good, hips aren't good, butt, thighs... the only thing you can keep are the legs under the knee. And the feet with some work.

    Nice concept choice though, but it will be hard. Be sure you didn't choose something too hard for you that you won't complete.
  • JordanN
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    JordanN interpolator
    Is this your first time modeling a realistic human?
  • mgraham235
    Offline / Send Message
    This is not my first but it's been awhile. I have not actually worked on the shape of anything. All I have done is taken a base mesh I used once and am trying to rework proportions. Making sure that the arms aren't too long compared to the body and so on. So any reasons why things do or do not work is what I am looking for.
  • mgraham235
    Offline / Send Message
    Also any good resources for good background sheets would be appreciated
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