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Portfolio Project: Space Pirate

polycounter lvl 2
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Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
Hey there polycount. First timer here. A super quick intro to this, essentially trying to go from freelance/contract 3D character work to a big-boy studio job :P

I figured a start to finish project was a good way to get my portfolio started, or refreshed depending on how you look at it.

I am colorblind, if you see some color issues/conflicts/inconsistencies feel free to let me know. Its something I am actively working on.

3D is my primary focus in this project/my career so keep the boxing gloves on for the 2D concept but critique IS welcome. Go ahead and bare-knuckle beat me with the 3D portion.

I will try and keep submissions flowing on the daily.

2D concept first day. Plenty left to do but set a basic feel. May make some changes in armor design but overall liking it. Will be really trying to play with lighting during final render and trying to start getting my head around that with the 2D concept.

Again sorry, 2D isnt my strong point so dont be too harsh but I do welcome the chance at improvement so feel free to bring the constructive critique.



  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Forgot to mention thats still WIP, maybe 60% done?

    Grid on arm is to help do tattoos later, various metal things arent shaded as well as they could be, and theres a general sloppiness to it but I feel like its not terribad?
  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    Just some quick notes, I think it's a cool concept and is definitely headed in the right direction. These are just going into detail, it's not that there's a massive amount of problems to address. :)

    - The stuff you've rendered out looks good. The face, the hair, the arm on our right down to the forearm. If you can, try to match that level of rendering on the other hand/phone.

    - Speaking of, the position of the hand holding the phone seems a little bit contrived? Also, the hand is sitting so that the phone would be facing away from him, if this wasn't a drawing. If the concept's going on your folio, too, I'd really urge you to repaint the hand.

    - A few of your choices with perspective seem wonky, I wouldn't mention it, but it sort of brings down the quality of the piece as a whole. It wouldn't take too long to fix! See the redline below.

    - Ease up on the blur/soft brushes. It looks weird. See the "Flatten and Simplify" section here: http://androidarts.com/art_tut.htm#flatten_and_simplify

    - Not 100% sure if that trimming is gold or yellow plastic. Remember that gold is a metal, and pure-ish metals are defined very much by their reflective content. Try to think about how it works in 3D if you've worked with PBR before. Additionally, I'm gonna say a lot of golds are more of a brown, rather than saturated yellow (which is what it is right now).

    - Space isn't really super black like that. There's nebulae and planets and debris and stuff creating slight hues and hazes in the stars, and using pure blacks in a painting is usually pretty ill advised. There's plenty of tutorials for starry skies! Keeping it inky and dark is a good idea, but it doesn't need to be so stark.

    I've addressed a few of these with a quick redline. I honestly can't come up with a useful suggestion for how to fix the hand, I'd recommend finding a real life ref, or better, having someone take a photo of you from this angle with a phone. Sorry if I've misunderstood some guides you drew in or anything. :)

    Final note, I'd recommend cropping out some of the environment so that it isn't a 60-40 split between the environment and the character, with the character being 40%, since the design you'll be working on should really be the focal point.

    Looking forward to seeing your progress, this looks like a super fun project!
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2

    Going to call the 2D done, I could use some more work and the above critique is much appreciated. Adjusted what I felt was major enough to spend time on for a concept and am moving on to 3D today. Base body/head tomorrow? Lets go with that.
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2

    General body blocked out, though I feel its a bit stocky for what I want.
  • OFPismySOP
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    OFPismySOP polycounter lvl 6
    You need to really rework the model you're going with before you pour time and effort into this thing.
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Check the edit, went that route since nobody has posted yet. Appreciate the critique though :D

    Either way, still just blocking things out.
  • OFPismySOP
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    OFPismySOP polycounter lvl 6
    Way better. I held onto the image a bit longer than I wanted to before re-posting it.
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Not really happy with the faces proportions right now, but update none the less! For science and critique! More updated for log sake than to take show off. shaking off the dust.


  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Started to carve out the eyes/face in a way that I like but still not happy enough to add any real detail to the area. Thats what I am here for though lol, to sharpen my teeth.

    Anyway, eyes still bother me in proportion to the face, but I may be wrong?

  • BagelHero
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    BagelHero interpolator
    They're a little squinty, but honestly the way the upper eyelid>eyebrow transition is what's bothering me most. The edges of the eyebrows feel like they're a little low down, but most importantly you're missing some forms. He has no fold for his eye, and the bulk that is there feels inaccurate. Are you using any photoref?

    All angles of the above.


    Additionally, the overhang and angle of the eye from the side is kinda weird. See the second half of this image:

    Otherwise, the face seems pretty solid to me, definitely on the right track.
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Thanks, I think I fixed a bulk of their issue?
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    I think I like this face? Skin texturing and higher level of detail still needs to be added, just trying to get the forms all the way I like.

  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    I took the weekend off and came back with a little fresher of an outlook. Adjusted the face to a place that I actually think I like now. At least I like it enough to move on to the rest of the body and come back to it later ;o

  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    So its been a minute since I could work on this due to some RL hecticness, but I finally was able to give it a good 2 hours of work and would like some feedback.

    -Feet are super ugly and just waiting to get a higher topology in the area to be made presentable.
    -most of the body is only semi-detailed. Primarily looking for critique on proportions and stance right now.
    -still learning fibermesh, any tips in general are appreciated :D

    -Eyebrows are not done yet intentionally, the scar on right side will cause a spot to not grow so im waiting till the scar is done in layers detailing. Was curious if I should sculpt the brows or try and do fibermesh too?


  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Also yes, the face keeps changing a lot. Im trying to find a certain look and just cant get it. Probably need to stop fishing and look for some references that are at least close to what Im looking for. :P
  • Olli.
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    Olli. polycounter lvl 8
    now thats a sharp jawline
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2
    Only while I'm still trying to define the face in general ;p
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2

    So I got some time between work to get back to this, and I essentially gave myself a kick in the ass. I have been floating around 50% done on body alone since like day 2. I am finally relatively happy with the face, the body got some attention and started the clothing but wanted an anatomy check from you guys if possible.

    Also: Im unsure if I should sculpt the hair or fibermesh. Im going to really push this project until I feel its impressive so whatever yields best results I will adapt to :P

    edit: yes. I know below the ankles are essentially crap. I am currently working on those after posting this.
  • tahakitan
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    tahakitan polycounter lvl 9
    it's coming out good, im liking the face. the ankle area needs work, that bothers me the most. also, check out the muscle formation that forms around the elbow, forarm bicept tricep intersection area needs work. overall though it is coming out good.
  • OctoKube
  • Deadmon
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    Deadmon polycounter lvl 2

    Started blocking out clothing etc. As always critique welcome!

    @oktocube used your guide to make some body changes before adding the clothing, thanks !
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