Finished this up, thanks to everyone who helped out along the way!
You can view it in marmoset on Artstation:

Hey polycount it's been a little while!
I'm working on a new character for my portfolio and to get a better understanding of the PBR workflow, I decided this round to do something based on someone else's concept instead of my own and I'm going to go mostly for realism, which should be a challenge for me.

Concept Link:
Ref board:

Zbrush blockout so far:

Going for a lot of general shapes to get an idea, wrinkles will become asymmetrical as I move on. Hair is just a block-in for visual sake, I will probably do something planar and/or mess with fiber mesh.
Comments and critiques are always appreciated!
Comments and critiques are always appreciated!
Although I'd rethink some of the creases in the pants...
the lower half seems pretty much good to me... but some other areas just don't seem convincing to me..
I did a quick paintover on your screenie... I'm at work so I only really had time to do her left hamstring area... so maybe you'll get what I mean.
Maybe don't follow my paintover exactly but main thing is to just rethink areas like that...
Keep going!
Little slow going on progress, so far I've been focusing on the boots, a couple people told me that if I get the boots right first the rest will follow, which I agree with since the pant folds are greatly influenced by them.
Eventually I'm hoping to make them more Asymmetrical. As always comments and crits are appreciated!
Working on more pieces like the vest, tightened up a lot of little things that where bugging me like her face. I would still like more feedback on the pants before I add more to them.
Comments and critiques are always appreciated!
Also, some of your assets like boots look very wonky and unclean. Spend some time polishing them, that would give you a much better end result. For example, the soles of boots are of consistent thickness throughout the length, but yours are all over the place. There's also a lot of generally unclean cuts in the meshes, I assume that you used cutting brushes and Dynamesh, that would be better off to be polished too.
It's hard to see behind all that hair, but it looks like the face is looking a bit weird. Triple check your proportions and resculpt facial features. Use a lot of photo references.
@SuperFranky: Harsh, but it's what I needed to hear
Thank you very much for the critiques! Keep them coming!
Muscles of the back make litle sense. I don't think they need to be prominent at all, considering that it's a woman and she's not supposed to be an athlete or a bodybuilder.
If there are any other adjustments that need to be made of these parts, comments and critiques would be greatly appreciated!
As always if anyone has any feedback, I'd be happy to hear it.
The only critique i have is that the face looks weird to me from straight on. the 3/4 shot and side shot look good but straight on her cheeks look lumpy and maybe her nose is too narrow. I dunno Cant wait to see more :^D
I know its a bit late now
However for next time, notice how the feet almost go vertical from the toes. That angle REALLY helps with how the silhouette looks.
@kornetic: I've a couple of other nit-picky critiques about the face as well, I haven't worked on or looked at it since the last update, but I will definitely get around to fixing them.
@Phong: Never too late!
@Jackablade: lol even tall girls like their heels
@Novian: The design of the bag, while cool at first glance it's a little weird, and I'm still in the process of figuring it out. What I think is going on is the zipper goes around the top of the skull like I have it but in the concept it's partially unzipped. The material in the concept looks like it's hardened leather, if that's the case the only way it can open is if the top of the skull swings open from the back. I found an actual purse that is a hardened leather skull which convinced me that the shape is possible using that material and this has been my main ref for how detailed I should go.
But like I said, still trying to figure it out, I will consider other options as well.
Made adjustments to the boots and face based on the feedback given, thank you to all of the people who pointed things out!
Gifs to make the changes easier to see
Thank you so much for helping me out with my arttest, though I havn´t gotten a response, if you hadn´t given me tips it would of looked much worse then it turned out.
Anyway I did a paint over with some suggestions.
Edit: lol muscle typo
Other than some really small details like wear and tear, and any crits you guys may have the sculpt of the bag is pretty much done!
Just a note, the widest part of the skull is near the rear. Right now the sides of the skull are flat which is incorrect.
@Muzz - Thanks for the reference image, like I said with Novian I will have an update on the bag fixes soon
@GarageBay9 - A little bit, I think it's the haircut
Started working on the p90, most parts blocked out with some farther along than others. I'm not super familiar with guns so if there is anything that stands out that needs to be fixed please let me know.
Retopology is next
"Clay" render of the lowpoly normals with some flat colors and patterns in the diffuse, hair is currently a placeholder.
Crits and comments welcome!
Good looking Character, and nice detail modeling, keep it up
The gun seems a little small, you may want to measure it compared to your model and rescale things accordingly. Also, you might want to think about the story you're trying to tell here; why does she have a gun? Those things are kinda heavy, does she carry it in her hand all day? etc.
Hawken - I up-sized the gun, since you're right it was a little small, it's now pretty proportional to her if she was about 6' tall. About the character's story, I didn't create the concept so I can only guess based on what I see... guessing a bit of a punk underground rebel in the UK. I was also surprised to find out that p90s are actually really light, about 5.5 lbs and a little over 6.5 with a loaded clip, you can easily hold it with one hand and carry it around.
I think I'm pretty much done with the textures because I'm not sure how much further to take them. I've worked on the gun, the bag and a lot of other small tweaks since the last update.
If anybody thinks something needs more work, I will gladly take some crits.
Some close-ups
In the mean time, I'm going to start on the hair, it's going to get the planar treatment and I'm hoping I can achieve the same fluffy kinda look that the concept has.
You can view it in marmoset on Artstation: