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Easy to follow texturing workflow

Hi everyone hope you all had a great bank holiday!

Thought I'd start this thread to help me better understand good texturing workflows and hopefully your knowledge and advice will help others too.

I've done my research, Google, digital tutors, poly count wiki etc... Yes there are posts out there but they really go off tangent at times. I'd love if someone with experience could be clear and concise without sarcasm and realise others want to learn!

I come from an archvis background so obviously texturing there is a lot different.

So here's where I stand. If I was to texture a gun for example I would model and unwrap in 3ds max and then texture using 3d coat or Mari (this is what I feel comfortable with so far). If you can provide a better approach please share.

When it comes to texturing buildings, I'm somewhat lost, maybe I'm over thinking it but what approach would you take? Yes I could easily slap a tileable texture over it but what about the detail? Dirt etc to make it unique.

Hope I haven't rambled on too much and I look forward to hearing from everyone :)


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