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Nekhro animation thread

polycounter lvl 5
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Nekhro polycounter lvl 5
I'm starting animation sketchbook here cause i wan't to grow my skills in animation area.
Would love feedback on my stuff!

Here's first lil animation done with basic Medusa model from DOTA 2:



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    Connecta polycounter lvl 7
    Nice work!:)

    Some feedback might be that the tail looks a bit stiff (at least from this angle), and the same for her hair/snakes. I don't know how the rig looks, but if you can animate the hair/snakes then maybe just add some follow-through/delay on them when she raises her head might help. Maybe delay the head as well so that the back is straight first and then the head, think it would make her feel more 'snakeish'.

    I like the anticipation, but her fingermovements on her right hand is kindof confusing me - what is she doing?:) Have you tried pushing the anticipation pose (when she's at her lowest) abit more - if she was more squashed (not meshwise but posewise) in her anticipation it would better contrast the stretched pose.

    Lastly, when she does her anticipation-move the tail gets rotated up? might be the rig, but that confuses me, think you need to counter-animate it so it feels like the tail stays on the ground during the animation.

    Just my two cents on it:) Looks good, keep it up!
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