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Need help with Hand-painting Textures

Hey guy, I've been a lurker and this is my first post :)

I am working on my portfolio which I'am designing a World Of Warcraft inspired environment which all of my assets will be compiled in Unreal Engine 4.

My question for you guys/gals who are experienced in hand-painting textures using PBR materials, what is your usual workflow ie: max/maya, zbrush,baking and texturing??. *Finger pointed at you Fanny Vergne* 'Kinda sounded inappropriate..

Mine is: Highpoly 'Zbrush' -> Topology 'Max' -> Bake maps 'Max/Quixel' -> Texture 'Photoshop,Quixel for small details' -> Export,

Still learning anyways!... Feel to critique the crap outa this!.

Thanks guys/Gurls! :), 2 TRI :)



  • Brian "Panda" Choi
    Offline / Send Message
    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    As far as anyone knows or is allowed to say, WoW doesn't use PBR. It's using legacy shaders. No normals, no specular map, just a diffuse map that's light in-engine with a fairly simple lighting set up.

    You should translate handpainted to just "fine arts painting."

    If you're not approaching your texturing work like an illustrator approaches a painting, you're going to miss 80% of the work that takes up making a handpainted asset.

    Getting bakes like an AO or cavity can help, but you're going to have to define lights, hues, and values on your own.

    Right now your tile reads flat. Give it a lighting direction, some noise details (you can photosource as long as it makes sense in the end), and think like a painter, not 100% a texturer.

    That being said, do organize your Photoshop layers like a texturer so you can effectively texture.
  • reckzilla
    Offline / Send Message
    reckzilla polycounter lvl 11

    That's lecture from a blizzard artist.

    Then yeah, focus your diffuse and paint in the lighting. Pick the light direction and begin painting areas where light hits and paint where shadows cast, tgen paint surface variation. Use tons of reference, tons. Also try going to pinterest and look up hand painted texture tutorials should find some really good resources there.
  • JordanN
    Offline / Send Message
    JordanN interpolator
    Hey OP, how much "WoW inspired" do you want your tile to be?

    Because you can still do PBR and have it be hand painted. See the PBR Dagger
  • PolyLove
    Hey guys thanks for the feedback!. Much appreciated :)

    Hey JordanN, thats the style iam going for :) World of warcraft aesthetic with PBR materials! :)

    Will be working on it more today! so il post it under 3D Art Showcase & Critiques when I get the scene blocked out and have at least the basic mesh layout!.

    thanks again dudes! :)
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